Saturday, June 1, 2013

Events training

What a day. Even on some of my best days I still barely edge Gijs on just a few events. It's gonna be a long and painful journey to complete victory but I already signed my soul up. In other news Sven has now officially entered the wounded warriors book dislocating his right shoulder. He's gonna be back in no time. Just stay away from jerks and behind the neck presses for a few months or close to a year. Military presses and strict log are better anyway to increase shoulder strength.

Gijs beat me thoroughly on the log press, tyre flips and yoke, no contest. I edged him on the weight for height (on height not reps) and on stones (for singles not height as he did 3x120 although I didn't attempt a third rep). We were equal on conditioning.

Frank was spot on. We're gonna be training smart from now on, focusing on peaking on the final. No more balls to the hospital deadlifting. The final presents too much of a fierce battle to waste valuable resources in a war of attrition before it even counts. As far as I see it the main ingredients should be:

1. Get the food in check. Only eat proper food and stay away from anything that causes stomach aches or meaningless junk food. Stop and eat midway during event training.
2. Have an approximate purpose on each training day. Don't just go and hit a max or a double with 150% effort. All the probable events (medley, log press, deadlift, stones, yoke, farmers, holds) need to be approached in a step-by-step manner.
3. Use the massage therapist and chiropractor before lighter training days.
4. Diminish or eliminate all nagging injuries. In the same note, don't exacerbate any recurring ones by being a tough guy. Do you want to win or do you want to go to the hospital?
5. Relax and disconnect from any training activities. It's a good life outside the gym as well. Balance it all out.

Log press:

6x52.5 kg - wooden log, strict presses
6x75 kg - push presses
4x95 kg - push presses
3x105 kg
3x115 kg - PR, failed the 4th
4x110 kg - failed the 5th
5x110 kg - PR, failed the 6th
0x120 kg - lol
2x120 kg - PR
2x3x110 kg
5x95 kg - push presses

Tyre flips:

4x380 kg
8x380 kg - 32 seconds
2x8x380 kg


150 kg - 15 m
200 kg - 15 m
250 kg - 15 m
300 kg - 15m
320 kg - 15 m
360 kg - failed to pick up, adjusted the height
360 kg - 15 m - PR, no drops
370 kg - 14 m - PR, no drops

Weight for height:

1x20 kg over 4.15 m
1x20 kg over 4.25 m
1x20 kg over 4.40 m
2x0x20 kg over 4.50 m
3x0x20 kg over 4 m - arms toasted
1x20 kg over 4 m - 3 attempts

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 180 cm - no tacky
2x120 kg on 180 cm - no tacky
0x130 kg on 180 cm - no tacky
1x130 kg on 132 cm - no tacky, no belt
1x140 kg on 132 cm - PR (no tacky, no belt)
1x150 kg on 132 cm - PR (no tacky, no belt)
1x175 kg on 132 cm
3x150 kg on 132 cm


50 kettlebell swings + 50 hammer hits + 50 push ups - my triceps and shoulders were fully pumped

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