Monday, June 4, 2012

Events training

What a day. Sometimes you're just on a roll and you become unstoppable. Personal bests kept on coming. You need a day like this to remind you what it's like to be alive.

Weight for height (sack):

3x21 kg for 3.5 meters
3x21 kg for 4 meters (fail)
1x21 kg for 4 meters
5x2x21 kg for 4.25 meters (fail)

Atlas stones:

2x90 kg on 120 cm
1x90 kg on 132 cm
2x110 kg on 120 cm
2x110 kg on 132 cm
2x110 kg on 144 cm
1x110 kg on 168 cm
1x110 kg on 180 cm (failed about 6 times in a row)
1x110 kg on 180 cm (PR)
1x110 kg on 180 cm (failed again 3 times)
1x120 kg on 132 cm
1x130 kg on 132 cm
1x150 kg on 132 cm (two fails)
1x120 kg on 144 cm (PR)
1x130 kg on 144 cm (failed)
1x130 kg on 144 cm (PR)
1x120 kg on 168 cm (failed a few times)

Conan's wheel:

250 kg for 360 degrees
310 kg for 360 degrees
380 kg for 360 degrees
430 kg for 360 degrees
470 kg for 90 degrees
360 kg for 720 degrees

Hercules hold :

150 kg for 69 seconds (PR)


6x175 kg on 45 cm
6x185 kg on 45 cm
2x4x200 kg on 43 cm

Wheelbarrow shrugs:

2x20x300 kg

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