Sunday, February 17, 2013

Events training

Finally, back among the living after a day and a half of cold sweats, vomiting, coughing and other extreme symptoms of sickness. In hindsight I shouldn't have trained this Saturday. I look like a zombie now. Couldn't even stand up.

Weight for height:

1x20 kg over 4 m
1x20 kg over 4.3 m
4x2x20 kg over 4.6 m - fail


1x100 kg for 30 m
1x150 kg for 30 m
3x200 kg for 30 m

Viking presses:

8x50 kg
8x70 kg
8x90 kg
6x100 kg
6x110 kg
1x120 kg - fuck, hadn't notice that someone took the counter-weights off the viking press and it was swinging back and forth

Atlas stones (no tacky):

5x90 kg on 122 cm
1x90 kg on 170 cm - almost broke the platform :))
3x110 kg on 122 cm
3x120 kg on 122 cm
1x130 kg on 122 cm
2x130 kg on 122 cm - second fail
3x130 kg on 122 cm
1x150 kg - failed to lap

Farmers walk:

2x60 kg for 30 m
80 kg for 30 m
90 kg for 30 m
90 kg for 15 m

Barbell shrugs:

16x100 kg
12x120 kg
4x8x130 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

16x45 kg
2x12x55 kg
2x12x65 kg

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