Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Upper body training

Well...I did it. I trained like a wimp with a lot of reps and light weights. I suppose in the grand scheme of things this will benefit me, especially since I'm bent on repairing the damage to my wrist, collar bone, lower back, neck, index finger, elbow, shoulder. I performed all exercises in a very controlled and slow motion. I tried to keep the rest time to a minimum, somewhere between 15 and 30 seconds.

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

20x24 kg
18x30 kg
2x12x32 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

4x12x32 kg

Flat bench presses (paused):

12x60 kg
4x16x60 kg
26x60 kg

Cable crossovers:

20x18 kg
18x23 kg
2x16x27 kg

Standing one arm front shoulder raises:

12x12 kg
2x12x14 kg
12x16 kg

Sitting behind the neck presses:

6x12x40 kg

Cable one arm laterals:

4x12x14 kg

Triceps rope pushdowns:

6x20x50 kg

Machine neck raises:

2x20x10 kg

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Events training

Sunny day at RPB today. Not a bad training session but it could've been better. Had a lot of explosive strength especially with the weight for height where I made the 4 m mark easily and just missed the 4.25 several times. I'm not at all confident in my left collar bone and prefer to press the weight instead of jerking it. I also struggled a few times to clean the weight for the axle presses. A sign that I should keep practicing technique. The yoke runs were epic, battling away with Kevin who I think will peak at competition time if he keeps injury free. My lower back was completely spent after that 330 kg run/walk. On to the medley for some conditioning. It's so easy to lose valuable seconds due to lack of focus or improper form.

I managed to get another PR today with the farmers hold in spite of my left biceps which was on his way to separate from the bone. I could've gone more but it got seriously scary when the "good" pain changed into that nasty pain when the adrenaline before a tear or injury kicks in. I enjoyed the overhead yoke runs. I think it has a "therapeutic effect" on my upper back and shoulders. All in all a good day and a good week.    

Weight for height (sack):

6x21 kg for 3.5 meters
1x21 kg for 4 meters (fail)
1x21 kg for 4 meters
4x3x21 kg for 4.25 meters (fail)

Axle presses:

2x6x55 kg
4x75 kg
1x97.5 kg (fail)
1x97.5 kg
1x107.5 kg (fail)
1x97.5 kg
3x87.5 kg


2x1x150 kg for 30 meters
1x200 kg for 30 meters
1x250 kg for 30 meters
1x300 kg for 15 meters (no drops, PR)
1x320 kg for 15 meters (4 drops, PR)
1x330 kg for 15 meters (3 drops, PR)

Medley (carry & drag, farmers, tyre):  

3 sets

150 kg carry & drag for 15 meters
80 kg farmers walk for 15 meters
3 flips with 380 kg tyre

Farmers shrugs:

2x8x80 kg
8x90 kg
2x8x100 kg

Farmers hold:

100 kg for 90 seconds (PR)

Overhead yoke:

50 kg for 40 meters
2x70 kg for 40 meters
1x80 kg for 30 meters
2x90 kg for 15 meters
2x70 kg for 20 meters

Strict overhead yoke presses:

2x6x70 kg
1x5x70 kg

Standing cable abs pulldowns:

2x20x35 kg
3x16x45 kg

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Upper body training

Another light training session after the one yesterday which rendered my lower and inner back unusable.  

Wide grip pull-ups:


One arm dumbbell rows:

12x40 kg
12x44 kg
12x48 kg
12x52 kg

Bent over barbell rows:

8x60 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
8x140 kg

Barbell shrugs:

12x60 kg
10x100 kg
8x120 kg
3x8x140 kg

Seated cable rows:

12x73 kg
12x96 kg
10x105 kg
2x8x124 kg

Close grip cable pull-downs:

8x73 kg
2x8x86 kg

Behind the neck cable wide grip pull-downs:

8x73 kg
2x8x86 kg

Straight arms cable pull-downs:

4x12x30 kg

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lower body training

Easy training session today. I set a new personal best on the deadlift, 240 kg.

Full olympic squats:

12x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
6x140 kg
3x160 kg
2x2x160 kg

Front squats:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
6x100 kg
4x120 kg
2x140 kg


12x70 kg
8x110 kg
6x150 kg
4x180 kg
2x200 kg
1x220 kg
1x230 kg
1x240 kg (PR)

Laying leg raises:

2x8xBW+8 kg
8xBW+10 kg
2x8xBW+12 kg

Standing ab pulldowns (facing the machine):

12x79 kg
8x96 kg
2x109 kg

5 minutes stretching

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x24 kg
8x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
2x6x44 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x34 kg
2x8x38 kg

Machine incline bench presses

12x50 kg
10x65 kg
8x70 kg
6x80 kg
2x10x65 kg

Cable flies:

12x23 kg
12x32 kg
12x36 kg
2x8x36 kg

Flat close grip bench presses:

Didn't want to go heavier because of my left wrist.

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x6x100 kg

Dumbbell seated lateral raises:

12x14 kg
12x16 kg
12x18 kg
12x20 kg
8x22 kg
8x24 kg

Barbell upright rows (with stop on the belly):

8x40 kg
3x8x60 kg

EZ-Bar Skullcrushers:

12x35 kg
2x8x45 kg
2x10x40 kg

Triceps rope pushdowns (machine with longer pulley)

12x35 kg
3x8x45 kg
10x30 kg



Close grip chin-ups:

3x6xBW (paused at the top and the bottom)

Dumbbell hammer curls:

8x16 kg
12x18 kg
2x12x22 kg

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Events training

This was my 24th training session at Raw Power Baarn since December. I haven't missed one events training in 5 months.

Weight for height (sack):

4x21 kg for 3.2 meters
2x21 kg for 3.6 meters
2x21 kg for 4 meters (fail)
1x21 kg for 4 meters
5x21 kg for 4 meters (fail)

Log press (wooden):

Horrible pain in my left collar bone. Didn't want to risk any extra damage to that area.

10x52 kg
6x72 kg
4x82 kg
2x3x92 kg
3x4x82 kg

Farmer's walk:

2x80 kg for 30 meters with drop
1x100 kg for 30 meters with drop
2x110 kg for 30 meters with drop
1x100 kg for 30 meters without drop

Tyre flips:

4x380 kg
8x380 kg
6x380 kg
7x380 kg
4x6x380 kg

Box jumps:

6x97 cm
4x107 cm
3x117 cm
2x121 cm (fail)
1x121 cm (PR)
3x122 cm (fail)

Wheelbarrow shrugs:

20x240 kg
20x290 kg
5x16x315 kg

Farmer's walk for max distance:

1x80kg for 100 meters

Hammer conditioning:

10x25 hits (250 hits in total)

Weight for height (weight):

5x21 kg
3x6x21 kg

Face pulls:

12x20 kg
12x35 kg
2x12x40 kg

Standing ab pulldowns (facing the machine):

12x35 kg
12x45 kg
2x12x55 kg

Friday, May 18, 2012

Upper body training

The injuries are taking their toll. My left collar bone has been killing me after the truck pull from last Sunday. I still can't do any barbell bench presses because of my left wrist. Left biceps is also annoying me and after deadlifting 200 kg for 14 reps on Wednesday my back is still sore. 3 hrs and 70 sets.

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x24 kg
8x28 kg
8x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
2x6x44 kg

Flat dumbbell presses:

8x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
2x8x40 kg

Incline close grip triceps dumbbell presses (15 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
8x40 kg

Incline dumbbell flies (15 degrees):

8x20 kg
8x24 kg
8x28 kg
8x24 kg

Incline smith machine bench presses (45 degrees):

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg

Alternate arm front shoulder raises:

8x16 kg
8x18 kg
8x20 kg
2x8x22 kg

Rope overhead triceps extension:

12x56 kg
12x71 kg
3x12x86 kg

Behind the neck cable pull downs:

8x68 kg
8x81 kg
8x90 kg
2x8x96 kg

Cable seated rows:

8x68 kg
8x81 kg
8x90 kg
8x110 kg
2x8x124 kg

Machine shrugs:

12x55 kg
12x75 kg
4x12x90 kg

Close grip chin ups:


Barbell shrugs:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x100 kg
12x120 kg
12x100 kg

Hanging sit ups:


Hanging leg raises:


Neck raises:

2x8x5 kg
2x8x10 kg

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lower body training

I went to the gym with the best of intentions but along the way my motivation just vanished and all that was left was a feeling of "I wish I was somewhere else". If it weren't for Frank and Kevin who pushed me to get out of this fucked up state I would've just done a couple of sets and headed back home. I struggled with squats, and for the second time in my life I failed a rep. I was more embarrassed than anything else. Sometimes you gotta dig deep and drag yourself out of the hole and it helps to be surrounded by mentally tough individuals. From that point on I was on fire, squatting 140 kg for 12 reps with no belt and deadlifting a grueling 200 kg for 14 reps.  

Full olympic squats (no belt):

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
6x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x140 kg
2x160 kg (failed the third rep)
8x140 kg
12x140 kg
4x150 kg
2x4x140 kg (paused)


8x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x140 kg
6x170 kg
14x200 kg (no bounce, PR)
8x180 kg

One legged hyper extensions:


Bulgarian split squats:

45 reps per leg

Standing machine calf raises:

12x86 kg
12x98 kg
12x114 kg
12x124 kg
3x12x134 kg

Laying leg raises:

12xBW + 8 kg
2x12xBW + 10 kg

Hanging leg raises:


Upper body training

Felt good the first few sets but my strength and energy levels suddenly dropped and by the middle of the training session I was struggling with even the lighter weights. Not a good day, that's for sure. Total training time was 2 hrs 30 min with 46 sets.

Incline dumbbell press (15 degrees):

12x24 kg
8x28 kg
8x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
7x44 kg
6x44 kg

Incline dumbbell press (45 degrees):

12x24 kg
8x32 kg
8x34 kg
8x36 kg
8x36 kg

Smith machine incline press (30 degrees):

10x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
8x110 kg
7x110 kg

Behind the neck barbell press:

8x40 kg
8x60 kg
5x80 kg (dropped the barbell on my neck)
4x80 kg

Machine close grip bench press:

12x60 kg
10x85 kg
8x110 kg
7x110 kg
8x110 kg
12x90 kg

Cable lateral raises:

8x18 kg
8x23 kg
8x23 kg
10x23 kg

Dumbbell front raises:

8x14 kg
8x16 kg
8x18 kg
8x20 kg
9x20 kg

Triceps rope push-downs:

12x56 kg
12x79 kg
12x86 kg
12x93 kg
10x93 kg
12x79 kg

Dumbbell holds:

3 sets with 7 kg dumbbells for 1 minute
1 set with 44 kg dumbbells for 1 minute

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Events training

Training sessions at Raw Power Baarn are always tough. Most of the time you have to dig deep and prove that you belong there with the other maniacs. Today was no different, 4 hrs and 30 minutes of blood, puke and searing pain.

Weight for height: 

Together with Kevin and Gijs we tried to break the 4 meter barrier. Sometimes it goes above but usually it's just under.

12 sets of 1 x 21 kg per each arm

Weight for height with sack:

Mister Gijs put on a great performance on this event today and managed to beat me. No worries, I'll get my revenge soon enough. 

2 sets of 1x20 kg for 3.8 meters
2 sets of 1x20 kg for 4 meters
6 sets of 1x20 kg for 4.25 meters (fail)

Atlas stones:

My left wrist still hurts a lot but I just have to make due and push on. This was the second time doing stones since the injury. My previous atlas stones event was on April 14. I will try to concentrate on putting the lighter stones on the higher platforms from now on.

4x90 kg on 120 cm 
3x90 kg on 132 cm
4x110 kg on 120 cm
2x110 kg on 132 cm
1x110 kg on 144 cm
1x110 kg on 168 cm - failed a few times but managed to put it in the end
1x110 kg on 180 cm - failed every time but I improved my technique in the process
1x130 kg on 120 cm - first time without using any tacky
1x110 kg on 144 cm / 1x120 kg on 132 / 1x130 kg on 120 cm (stone run) - failed the second stone
1x110 kg on 144 cm / 1x120 kg on 132 cm / 1x130 kg on 120 cm (stone run)  - failed the last stone


Good speed but my lower back was exhausted from the stones so I couldn't go any higher than 250 kg.

1x100 kg for 15 meters and back
1x150 kg for 15 meters and back
1x200 kg for 15 meters and back
2x250 kg for 15 meters and back

Truckpull simulation:

For this exercise we usually use a pallet as the base and we add a 125 kg tire on top that also serves as a loading platform for other weights. 

1x125 kg for 12 meters and back
1x175 kg for 12 meters and back
1x195 kg for 12 meters and back
1x215 kg for 12 meters and back
1x240 kg for 12 meters and back - difficult to get a got start on the way back
1x260 kg for 12 meters and back - I managed to get it going but only for a few meters at a time
1x250 kg for 12 meters and back - After several tries I got a new PR using these elements

Viking squats:

Since Frank beat me last Wednesday with his 6x160 kg beltless full olympic squats I'm trying to make a comeback. I've always had strong legs but my focus lately has been on improving my deadlift and my overall back strength.

7x100 kg 
7x140 kg
8x160 kg


10 runs of 15 meters and back with high and low position together with Gijs

Hercules hold:

150 kg per arm for 54 seconds

Friday, May 11, 2012

Upper body training

Solid training session today. Felt very strong but didn't have much energy. Nevertheless I did manage to do 67 sets in approx. 3 hrs and 20 minutes. Yes, you read right, 3 hrs and 20 minutes. I don't believe in short training sessions. It just doesn't work for me.  

Pull ups:

2x8xBW + 15 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

16x70 kg
12x100 kg
12x140 kg
12x150 kg
9x170 kg
8x180 kg

Bent over T-bar rows:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x100 kg
12x120 kg
12x140 kg
2x12x160 kg

Bent over barbell rows:

12x60 kg 
12x100 kg
12x120 kg
2x10x140 kg

Block pulls:

6x140 kg
6x160 kg
3x180 kg
3x3x200 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x40 kg
12x44 kg
12x52 kg
12x48 kg
12x48 kg

Nautilus machine seated rows:

12x75 kg
12x90 kg
2x12x100 kg

Close grip chin ups:


Seated ab crunches:

12xBW + 10 kg
12xBW + 15 kg
2x12xBW + 20 kg

Seated ab twists:

16xBW + 10 kg
16xBW + 15 kg
2x12xBW + 20 kg

Hanging sit ups:

12xBW + 10 kg
12xBW + 10 kg

Squats with no hands:

What started last week as a joke when me and Kevin decided to mess about with these type of squats has now turned to be a quite interesting and purposeful endeavour. It engages the core to a great extent since there's no other way of stabilizing the bar throughout the movement. I'm a big believer in creating variety in training and trying out new things. Kevin has been progressing at an alarming pace, especially with squats and we went plate for plate 'till the 150 mark which we both did. I tried the 160 but alas, I couldn't make it.

4x60 kg
1x80 kg
1x100 kg
1x120 kg
1x140 kg
1x150 kg (PR)
1x160 kg (fail)