Sunday, May 13, 2012

Events training

Training sessions at Raw Power Baarn are always tough. Most of the time you have to dig deep and prove that you belong there with the other maniacs. Today was no different, 4 hrs and 30 minutes of blood, puke and searing pain.

Weight for height: 

Together with Kevin and Gijs we tried to break the 4 meter barrier. Sometimes it goes above but usually it's just under.

12 sets of 1 x 21 kg per each arm

Weight for height with sack:

Mister Gijs put on a great performance on this event today and managed to beat me. No worries, I'll get my revenge soon enough. 

2 sets of 1x20 kg for 3.8 meters
2 sets of 1x20 kg for 4 meters
6 sets of 1x20 kg for 4.25 meters (fail)

Atlas stones:

My left wrist still hurts a lot but I just have to make due and push on. This was the second time doing stones since the injury. My previous atlas stones event was on April 14. I will try to concentrate on putting the lighter stones on the higher platforms from now on.

4x90 kg on 120 cm 
3x90 kg on 132 cm
4x110 kg on 120 cm
2x110 kg on 132 cm
1x110 kg on 144 cm
1x110 kg on 168 cm - failed a few times but managed to put it in the end
1x110 kg on 180 cm - failed every time but I improved my technique in the process
1x130 kg on 120 cm - first time without using any tacky
1x110 kg on 144 cm / 1x120 kg on 132 / 1x130 kg on 120 cm (stone run) - failed the second stone
1x110 kg on 144 cm / 1x120 kg on 132 cm / 1x130 kg on 120 cm (stone run)  - failed the last stone


Good speed but my lower back was exhausted from the stones so I couldn't go any higher than 250 kg.

1x100 kg for 15 meters and back
1x150 kg for 15 meters and back
1x200 kg for 15 meters and back
2x250 kg for 15 meters and back

Truckpull simulation:

For this exercise we usually use a pallet as the base and we add a 125 kg tire on top that also serves as a loading platform for other weights. 

1x125 kg for 12 meters and back
1x175 kg for 12 meters and back
1x195 kg for 12 meters and back
1x215 kg for 12 meters and back
1x240 kg for 12 meters and back - difficult to get a got start on the way back
1x260 kg for 12 meters and back - I managed to get it going but only for a few meters at a time
1x250 kg for 12 meters and back - After several tries I got a new PR using these elements

Viking squats:

Since Frank beat me last Wednesday with his 6x160 kg beltless full olympic squats I'm trying to make a comeback. I've always had strong legs but my focus lately has been on improving my deadlift and my overall back strength.

7x100 kg 
7x140 kg
8x160 kg


10 runs of 15 meters and back with high and low position together with Gijs

Hercules hold:

150 kg per arm for 54 seconds

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