Saturday, May 26, 2012

Events training

Sunny day at RPB today. Not a bad training session but it could've been better. Had a lot of explosive strength especially with the weight for height where I made the 4 m mark easily and just missed the 4.25 several times. I'm not at all confident in my left collar bone and prefer to press the weight instead of jerking it. I also struggled a few times to clean the weight for the axle presses. A sign that I should keep practicing technique. The yoke runs were epic, battling away with Kevin who I think will peak at competition time if he keeps injury free. My lower back was completely spent after that 330 kg run/walk. On to the medley for some conditioning. It's so easy to lose valuable seconds due to lack of focus or improper form.

I managed to get another PR today with the farmers hold in spite of my left biceps which was on his way to separate from the bone. I could've gone more but it got seriously scary when the "good" pain changed into that nasty pain when the adrenaline before a tear or injury kicks in. I enjoyed the overhead yoke runs. I think it has a "therapeutic effect" on my upper back and shoulders. All in all a good day and a good week.    

Weight for height (sack):

6x21 kg for 3.5 meters
1x21 kg for 4 meters (fail)
1x21 kg for 4 meters
4x3x21 kg for 4.25 meters (fail)

Axle presses:

2x6x55 kg
4x75 kg
1x97.5 kg (fail)
1x97.5 kg
1x107.5 kg (fail)
1x97.5 kg
3x87.5 kg


2x1x150 kg for 30 meters
1x200 kg for 30 meters
1x250 kg for 30 meters
1x300 kg for 15 meters (no drops, PR)
1x320 kg for 15 meters (4 drops, PR)
1x330 kg for 15 meters (3 drops, PR)

Medley (carry & drag, farmers, tyre):  

3 sets

150 kg carry & drag for 15 meters
80 kg farmers walk for 15 meters
3 flips with 380 kg tyre

Farmers shrugs:

2x8x80 kg
8x90 kg
2x8x100 kg

Farmers hold:

100 kg for 90 seconds (PR)

Overhead yoke:

50 kg for 40 meters
2x70 kg for 40 meters
1x80 kg for 30 meters
2x90 kg for 15 meters
2x70 kg for 20 meters

Strict overhead yoke presses:

2x6x70 kg
1x5x70 kg

Standing cable abs pulldowns:

2x20x35 kg
3x16x45 kg

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