Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lower body training

I went to the gym with the best of intentions but along the way my motivation just vanished and all that was left was a feeling of "I wish I was somewhere else". If it weren't for Frank and Kevin who pushed me to get out of this fucked up state I would've just done a couple of sets and headed back home. I struggled with squats, and for the second time in my life I failed a rep. I was more embarrassed than anything else. Sometimes you gotta dig deep and drag yourself out of the hole and it helps to be surrounded by mentally tough individuals. From that point on I was on fire, squatting 140 kg for 12 reps with no belt and deadlifting a grueling 200 kg for 14 reps.  

Full olympic squats (no belt):

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
6x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x140 kg
2x160 kg (failed the third rep)
8x140 kg
12x140 kg
4x150 kg
2x4x140 kg (paused)


8x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x140 kg
6x170 kg
14x200 kg (no bounce, PR)
8x180 kg

One legged hyper extensions:


Bulgarian split squats:

45 reps per leg

Standing machine calf raises:

12x86 kg
12x98 kg
12x114 kg
12x124 kg
3x12x134 kg

Laying leg raises:

12xBW + 8 kg
2x12xBW + 10 kg

Hanging leg raises:


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