Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Solid training session in Valhalla. Always a pleasure to train with determined and insane individuals. It's the people who beat themselves into a pulp day in and day out, willing to sacrifice everything that resembles a normal life that will have a long-lasting influence on your life. The men who pour their hearts out, who carry dozens of injuries and who keep showing up for the daily grind. A few years back I worked with two other guys over 36 hours non-stop, hard labour. I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for those tough guys and the bond created between us will forever be present and cannot be altered. You can't buy that shit and you can't fake it. It's in the wee hours of the night, drenched in sweat, exhausted, dehydrated, all but ready to quit when you realize how beautiful life truly is. Real respect is born out of struggle and pain. I wish these days will last forever because it doesn't get any better. The people that I train with have an aura of invincibility, a heightened sense of urgency and will lay it all on the line for that immortal feeling that only a selected few can experience. I am grateful for the opportunity and I hope I can give back as much as I have learned from them. Fight hard and long because we will live forever even if only in the mind of others.   

Full olympic squats:

2x8x75 kg
2x8x105 kg
8x125 kg
6x145 kg nasty pain in my lower back
6x125 kg

Leg presses:

12x50 kg
12x100 kg
12x150 kg
12x200 kg
8x250 kg
8x270 kg
9x290 kg

Safety bar box squats:

12x75 kg
3x20x75 kg

Safety bar good mornings:

12x55 kg
12x65 kg
12x75 kg
12x85 kg
12x95 kg

Viking press calf raises:

20x100 kg
18x150 kg
16x150 kg

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