Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lower body training

When injured continue training at a high level but play it smart, work your way around the injury. The idea is to maximize intensity to get solid results while reducing the damage to the injured area. This is practice things get complicated. I tried all variants of squats from high-bar, low-bar, wider leg stance, narrower leg stance, half-squats (90 degrees), and only overhead squats seem to be working properly.

Full olympic squats (paused):

2x12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x100 kg
5x6x120 kg

Overhead squats (paused):

6x30 kg
6x40 kg
6x50 kg
6x55 kg
6x60 kg
4x65 kg
2x70 kg

Front squats (paused):

4x8x60 kg

Leg extensions:

12x50 kg paused
10x70 kg paused
8x80 kg

Hyperextensions (paused):

2x12xBW+10 kg

Stiff-legged deadlifts (no bounce):

2x20x70 kg

Leg raises:

8xBW+6 kg
8xBW+9 kg
2x8xBW+12 kg

Hanging leg raises:


Calf raises:

16x120 kg
3x14x187.5 kg
3x14x120 kg

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