Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Get busy lifting or get busy dying is my take on the famous Shawshank Redemption line. People waste their lives trapped in a false reality, blindly following the current trends so arrogantly presented in local tabloids. Wake up and realize that you're been conned...big time. There is nothing more liberating than living for something that you "feel" is the right thing. Like the guys at RPB. You can see that they belong there, it's the closest thing to home they will ever know. Week after week, month after month, in search of punishment and abuse, smiling from ear to ear because every training session that goes by fuels that inner desire and solidifies the overall structure. This shit is for life, once you're in that's it, say goodbye to a normal life, welcome to the asylum.      

Today Gijs was the better man and beat me at the ab bridges. There are no excuses for losing, he was able to soak up more punishment over a longer period of time, it's that simple. Tough, proper tough, the kind of toughness that intimidates even the toughest guys.

Full olympic squats (paused):

2x12x50 kg
4x8x100 kg

Leg presses:

12x100 kg
12x150 kg
8x200 kg
8x250 kg
12x270 kg
50x200 kg

Yoke pick-ups:

20x50 kg
4x16x100 kg
12x120 kg

Farmer deadlifts:

2x12x50 kg
12x60 kg
11x70 kg
10x70 kg

Plate walks:

2x25 kg plates for 40 meters


a couple of minutes

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