Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

There's nothing like a blood and guts training session to remind you of what it's like to be alive. When you think that you can't possibly do another rep and all you want is to finish the damn exercise that's when your training partners demand a few more. Why? To make sure you're not losing the edge, you know what I mean, that dark, deep, insane feeling of immortality. I believe we train because we want to live forever and if you slide towards mediocrity you're a lost cause. Life with its mundane tasks can really bury you in a state of lethargy and apathy but we'll always have RPB, no matter the circumstances. Raw Power Baarn is forever embedded in my brain as the battlefield of modern warriors. Civilians will never understand what it's like to be a part of something bigger than society's limited view on human interaction. You can hide your true self at work, in a bar or at a party but when you're stripped down of any superficial emotions and you gotta dig deep to unleash those forbidden feelings that's when you find out what kind of blood runs through your veins. RPB is the Purgatory only we're not waiting to be accepted in Heaven, we're marching to Hell on the sound and gory images of clinging plates, horrible screams, puke, blood, sweat and dirt. RPB fills your lungs with a unique feeling of the Brotherhood of Pain. All the money and ephemeral things on Earth won't buy you a place here.  

Full olympic squats:

2x8x70 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
4x130 kg
4x140 kg
2x150 kg

Leg presses:

16x130 kg
10x230 kg
5x300 kg
16x280 kg

Overhead squats:

5x6x40 kg
4x4x45 kg
5x4x50 kg
3x1x55 kg (some fails)
10x4x40 kg
4x6x40 kg

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