Saturday, August 4, 2012

Events training

What a week. 5 consecutive days of heavy duty training. At RPB we're serving pain by the gallon, sweat by the truckload and air as much as you can get. Who said the middle ages are gone? With the big lions gone in vacation it's time for the young lions to lead the pack and increase the dosage of madness. Each training sessions adds to an already well developed foundation and every hour spent in there will chip away the weakness in you. So when somebody asks you what do you do for fun tell 'em that you're devising new methods of torture so you can be ready for Hell.

Log presses:

2x6x60 kg
2x4x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x2x100 kg

Truck pull & drag:

150 kg for 30 meters
175 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 15 meters
2x150 kg for 30 meters

Farmer's walk:

5x93 kg for 30 meters with turn

Sack carry:

100 kg for 90 meters
100 kg for 30 meters

Atlas stones:

2x90 kg on 144 cm
2x90 kg on 168 cm
1x90 kg on 180 cm
1x110 kg on 168 cm
1x110 kg on 180 cm - 3rd time ever
1x110 kg on 180 cm - 4th time ever
1x110 kg on 180 cm - competition stone (fail)
1x110 kg on 180 cm - competition stone (fail)
1x110 kg on 168 cm - competition stone (fail)
1x120 kg on 156 cm

Stone runs:

90 kg on 180 cm - 110 kg on 168 cm - 120 kg on 156 cm
90 kg on 168 cm - 110 kg on 156 cm - 120 kg on 144 cm - 130 kg on 132 cm


4x3x60 kg for 30 meters
1x5x60 kg for 30 meters

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