Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

The only way to start the month is with a balls to the wall training session at the remote asylum. Leg presses are a killer like always and the band resistance alters any comfort that you might otherwise feel. You cannot afford to get lazy with them or your legs will buckle and hit you in the mouth. All out and beyond with the last set. The calf raises were also extremely painful, I had to use a mouth guard to avoid grinding my teeth or biting my tongue and lips.  

Safety bar box squats:

8x75 kg
5x85 kg
5x95 kg
5x105 kg
5x115 kg
5x125 kg
5x135 kg

Medley - yoke and farmers for 30 meters with 15 meter turns:

100 kg yoke - 50 kg farmers
150 kg yoke - 70 kg farmers
3x(200 kg yoke - 90 kg farmers)

Leg presses:

12x150 kg
12x150 kg + green bands resistance
30x200 kg + green bands resistance

Glute ham raises:


Calf raises:

16x80 kg
16x100 kg
18x120 kg
30x120 kg

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