Friday, November 30, 2012

Upper body training

I wish these motherfucking civilians would just forget the address to the gym. They're just occupying space for nothing. They're never gonna achieve anything meaningful with that half-assed attitude. You can see they lack the "pitbull instinct". No anger, no hate, no aggression, no balls. Prematurely castrated purty pink panty wearing oxygen consuming lazy sons and daughters of already senile retards. Take a page from someone you despise and grow a pair of nuts. Learn to make way for real motherfuckers that are on a path of (self)destruction. If you don't squat or deadift then go make me a sweater.

Edit: I've also updated the Raw Power Baarn description on this site. Check it out.

Military presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
4x4x80 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

4x6x50 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x80 kg
12x120 kg
8x150 kg
8x180 kg
6x200 kg - PR (no straps)

Seated cable rows:

12x91 kg
12x105 kg
2x12x114 kg

Incline bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
6x100 kg - pain in my left biceps

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x32 kg
2x8x36 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x40 kg
2x12x44 kg

Face pulls:

12x46 kg
12x59 kg
12x68 kg
12x73 kg

Straight arms pulldowns + behind the neck pulldowns + front pulldowns + triceps pushdowns (ext. pulley):

12x30 kg + 12x40 kg + 12x40 kg + 12x30 kg
12x35 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x35 kg
12x40 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x45 kg

Inverted sit-ups:

8xBW + 10 kg

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
5x110 kg
5x130 kg
3x150 kg
3x160 kg
4x180 kg - PR
3x160 kg


8x80 kg
6x110 kg
5x150 kg
3x180 kg
2x200 kg
2x220 kg
2x230 kg
2x240 kg - PR

Leg presses:

8x250 kg
2x8x300 kg

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Upper body training

Push presses:

8x50 kg
8x70 kg
6x80 kg
2x4x90 kg

Behind the neck wide grip strict presses:

4x8x50 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

12x73 kg
12x82 kg
10x91 kg
8x100 kg
8x105 kg
8x109 kg

Behind the neck cable pulldowns:

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
8x86 kg
8x91 kg
8x100 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

10x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
8x40 kg
2x8x44 kg

EZ bar skullcrushers:

12x35 kg
12x45 kg
2x8x55 kg

Dumbbell curls:

9x12 kg
9x14 kg
9x16 kg
9x18 kg

Hammer curls:

10x12 kg
10x14 kg
10x16 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
8xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
8xBW + 20 kg

One handed deadlift:

1x70 kg
1x90 kg
1x100 kg
1x110 kg
1x120 kg - failed with the left hand

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Events training

The Brick Fridge is addicted to stones and deadlifts. The more weight you put on the fridge the angrier he gets and the more impressive the performance. He said he's gonna take it easy but we all know you can't believe a junkie who's telling people that he's had enough for now :))) There's never enough weight to be lifted and never enough records to be shattered. Onwards to the 300 kg deadlift and the 175 kg stone.

It was good to see Big Belly back in the house joking and clowning about like there's somebody waiting to donate him a new pair of knees. I've never had knee problems from lifting weights but maybe it's not a bad idea to protect them as much as I can.

The war of attrition with Big G continues. I hope he realizes that all the things I say are not meant to insult or demoralize but to motivate and uplift the spirit. At the end of the day, after it's all said and done, Mister G is still the paragon for gym toughness and that's a motherfucking hard title to take away.

Strict axle presses:

3x8x55 kg
2x8x65 kg
2x6x75 kg
3x85 kg
2x1x90 kg

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg over 3.5 m
2x20 kg over 3.75 m
2x20 kg over 4 m - failed the first
3x2x20 kg over 4.3 m - fail


4x175 kg
4x185 kg
4x195 kg
4x205 kg
3x4x240 kg


150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
2x300 kg for 30 meters - used knee wraps

Tyre flips:

4x6x380 kg

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 129 cm
3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x110 kg on 153 cm
3x110 kg on 129 cm - competition stone
3x110 kg on 142 cm - competition stone
3x120 kg on 129 cm
3x120 kg on 142 cm
3x130 kg on 129 cm - failed the last one

Friday, November 23, 2012

Upper body training

Seated military presses (no back support):

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
8x60 kg
8x70 kg
4x4x80 kg - pain in left biceps
2x6x70 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg - searing pain in left biceps
3x100 kg - feels like my biceps will come off

Cable lateral raises:

4x10x18 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x38 kg
12x44 kg - pain
12x52 kg - pain
3x12x60 kg - pain

Straight arms pulldowns / Triceps pulldowns:

12x64 kg / 20x64 kg
12x77 kg / 16x77 kg
12x77 kg / 12x86 kg
20x50 kg / 12x91 kg

Dumbbell front raises:

10x12 kg
10x14 kg
10x16 kg
2x10x18 kg

Dumbbell curls:

10x12 kg - pain
10x14 kg - pain
10x16 kg - pain
10x18 kg - pain

Hammer curls:

10x12 kg - ohhh the fucking agony
10x14 kg - idem

Nautilus machine shrugs / Neck raises:

20x40 kg / 20xBW
16x80 kg / 16xBW + 5 kg
12x120 kg / 12xBW + 10 kg

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lower body training

Training with the Big Fridge today. Borrowed his hardcore belt for the last sets. Legend has it that an ancient warrior made that belt from the essence of toughness of his fallen enemies.

Full olympic squats:

2x8x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x140 kg
4x160 kg
3x170 kg
2x180 kg - don't remember if 2 or 3 I was so dizzy
1x190 kg - PR

Deficit deadlifts (abt. 8 cm):

5x100 kg
5x120 kg
4x140 kg
4x170 kg
4x190 kg
4x200 kg
3x210 kg
3x220 kg
2x230 kg - PR

Front squats:

8x60 kg
3x6x100 kg
4x100 kg - paused

Calf raises:

20x100 kg
16x157 kg
2x12x175 kg

Calf presses:

4x20x160 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
10xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
2x6xBW + 20 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x77 kg
12x100 kg
2x12x109 kg

Monday, November 19, 2012

Upper body training

Push presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
4x4x90 kg

Behind the neck wide grip strict presses:

6x50 kg - pain in my right shoulder
4x10x40 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

16x68 kg
12x77 kg
2x12x86 kg

Behind the neck cable pulldowns:

4x12x64 kg

Incline presses (60 degrees):

12x30 kg
8x34 kg
2x8x36 kg

Seated machine rows:

12x50 kg
12x60 kg
2x12x77 kg

Face pulls:

20x36 kg
12x52 kg
12x64 kg
2x12x68 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

4x12x36 kg

Dumbbell curls:

2x10x12 kg
8x14 kg
6x16 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
12xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
8xBW + 20 kg

Inverted hanging sit-ups:


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Events training

My left biceps got seriously fucked today. Searing pain, the type of pain you get when you hit your shins against a sharp metal object. So Frank encouraged me:
- Don't worry man, it'll pass. You gotta be tough like me. 
- Hey Frank, you've got blood dripping from your nose.
- Oh yeah, from the pressure of deadlifting 3x240 kg. No big deal. So as I was saying...

Made quite a few PRs today. The 120 kg stone I owe it to all the tips from Gijs. Now I know how much I have to dip to make it effective. What a day...Frank "played" with the 130 kg stone. I've never seen him handle the stone so easily. He beat the stone into submission like it owed him money. He took the stone to school and taught it dynamic physics. Mister G trashed the chain yoke. Made the yoke cry...

Log presses:

8x60 kg
6x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x3x100 kg

Safety bar squats:

8x85 kg
8x115 kg
6x135 kg
6x155 kg
5x175 kg - PR
3x185 kg - PR

Chain yoke:

115 kg for 30 meters
165 kg for 30 meters
215 kg for 30 meters
235 kg for 30 meters - PR
275 kg for 30 meters - PR- 1 drop for 15 m and about 10 drops for the last 15 m

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x120 kg on 142 cm
3x130 kg on 142 cm
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the last one
3x120 kg on 165 cm - failed the last one
1x130 kg on 153 cm
1x120 kg on 177 cm - failed
1x120 kg on 177 cm - PR!

Farmer's walk:

80 kg for 60 meters
3x105 kg for 30 meters

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Rack pulls:

10x70 kg
6x120 kg
4x160 kg
4x180 kg
4x200 kg - 2 with pronated grip
3x230 kg

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
6x140 kg
4x150 kg - beltless
4x160 kg - beltless
4x170 kg
2x180 kg - failed the second one

Leg presses:

2x8x250 kg
8x270 kg
8x300 kg
8x320 kg - PR

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Upper body training

Military presses:

8x60 kg
6x70 kg
4x80 kg
2x85 kg
1x85 kg
2x5x70 kg

Seated cable rows:

12x82 kg
12x96 kg
12x105 kg
2x10x114 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
6x100 kg
2x8x120 kg
7x120 kg

Standing cable rows (paused):

16x55 kg
12x67 kg
3x12x77 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

20x77 kg
16x82 kg
12x96 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

20x30 kg
16x34 kg
16x38 kg
2x12x44 kg

Neck raises:


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Events training

I'm at 106 kg body weight without clothes. The weight is stabilizing now, I'm still struggling with condition a bit but it's getting better. I'll probably stay around the 105 mark and see how it goes. Saw an old man with bright red pants walking a 455 kg yoke. I wrote an article about you old man. Check it out. Don't get offended, it's all in good fun.

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

3x3x20 kg over 3.75 meters - a few fails
3x20 kg over 4.00 meters - failed the second
2x20 kg over 4.15 meters - failed the second
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters
4x2x20 kg over 4.50 meters - fail

Deficit deadlifts (pronated grip):

10x70 kg
6x100 kg
5x150 kg
3x180 kg - second and third mixed grip
3x180 kg
1x200 kg
1x220 kg - mixed grip

Farmers walk (fat handle):

5x93 kg for 30 meters

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 153 cm
2x110 kg on 168 cm
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the first two
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the last two
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the last one


150 kg for 30 meters
4x200 kg for 30 meters

Sledgehammer conditioning:

5x25 hits

Lying leg raises:

4x12xBW+ mini bands

Farmers shrugs:

4x16x50 kg

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Upper body training

People ask me what "civilians" are and what exactly passes for a civilian. Let me make it clear...a civilian is someone who wastes oxygen. It's that simple. Training with the Big Fridge today. Damn son, the Fridge has got some massive and powerful shoulders. Soon the government is gonna issue separate ID's and tax forms for them. They probably need their own postal code. Oh, by the way, I wrote a short article yesterday. Check it out.

Push presses:

6x50 kg
5x80 kg
4x90 kg
4x90 kg
5x90 kg
4x90 kg
5x90 kg

Machine rows:

12x57 kg
16x67 kg
2x16x77 kg

Incline dumbbell bench presses:

12x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x36 kg
6x38 kg
7x36 kg

Bent over dumbbell rows:

12x40 kg
12x48 kg
2x12x52 kg
8x52 kg

Triceps pushdowns (extended pulley):

12x35 kg
12x55 kg
4x70 kg
12x55 kg

Pushdowns (extended pulley):

20x30 kg
16x40 kg
12x45 kg
10x50 kg

Cable ab crunches:

16x77 kg
4x12x100 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW+5 kg
12xBW+10 kg
2x8xBW+10 kg

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Training in the dungeon with some very mordacious individuals muhahaha. I'm talking about Gijs and Frank of course. I hate puking, I paid good money for that food...


6x70 kg
6x120 kg
5x150 kg
4x170 kg
1x190 kg - puked
5x190 kg - puked
4x200 kg - puked

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
6x130 kg
6x150 kg
4x160 kg
3x3x170 kg - horrible pain in my right calf

Glute ham raises:

2x9xBW + mini bands
10xBW + mini bands

Lying leg raises:

4x8xBW + mini bands

Monday, November 5, 2012

Upper body training

Training today with Frank went really well. I was motivated and eager to get back into some serious poundages.

Military presses:

5x70 kg
5x75 kg
4x3x80 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

16x73 kg
12x82 kg
2x12x86 kg
20x86 kg

Close grip flat bench presses:

12x60 kg
12x90 kg
8x110 kg
6x120 kg
4x130 kg
2x140 kg
2x145 kg
2x150 kg - PR

Face pulls:

12x55 kg
12x63 kg
2x12x74 kg

Cable flyes:

12x32 kg
12x36 kg
8x41 kg
12x36 kg

Hammer chins:


Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
3x3x120 kg

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Events training

Kevin and Gijs are monsters on the viking press and I was able to correct my technique by following their instructions. Yeah buddy, the only way to get better is to train with tougher and more powerful individuals. Forget about books, videos and other instructional shit. Find a bunch of reckless motherfuckers and try to take their records away. That should spark some growth :))) With that said, guess who's still the undisputed and undefeated king of the hercules hold. By the end of the year I will have the unofficial world record on this fucking exercise. I don't care how many times I have to try. I'll show the people that I train with, the only people that really matter in this physical pain endeavor that you can come from nothing but if you bleed yourself dry you can take what's yours and break all limitations. I am currently 16 seconds away from that goal. The world record, to my knowledge, is currently held by Tarmo Mitt with 71 seconds, a record set in 2005.

Box jumps:

2x8x100 cm
6x110 cm
5x113 cm
4x116 cm
4x120 cm
4x123 cm
3x125 cm - PR
3x128 cm - PR

Viking press:

6x80 kg
6x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x4x120 kg
5x120 kg


100 kg for 20 meters
150 kg for 20 meters
200 kg for 20 meters
250 kg for 20 meters
3x300 kg for 20 meters

Farmer's walk:

80 kg for 20 meters
3x80 kg for 40 meters

Atlas stones:

110 kg on 129 cm
110 kg on 129 cm
120 kg on 129 cm
2x120 kg on 129 cm
120 kg on 142 cm
130 kg on 129 cm - fail
130 kg on 129 cm
130 kg on 129 cm
3x130 kg on 129 cm - failed one
130 kg on 129 cm
120 kg on 153 cm
6x120 kg on 153 cm - failed two

Hercules hold:

160 kg for 55 seconds - PR

Friday, November 2, 2012

Upper body training

Nautilus machine shrugs:

16x80 kg
4x12x80 kg
2x12x110 kg
4x12x130 kg

Barbell shrugs:

5x12x100 kg

Behind the neck pulldowns:

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
2x12x86 kg

Machine rows:

16x50 kg
4x12x70 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x36 kg
12x40 kg
12x44 kg
2x12x48 kg

Straight arms pulldowns:

12x50 kg
4x12x68 kg

Ab cable crunches:

16x86 kg
4x12x100 kg

Neck raises:

2x12xBW + 5 kg
2x12xBW + 10 kg

Dumbbell snatches:

2x6x32 kg

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Upper body training

Another easy training session. One more tomorrow, then RPB on Saturday. I also wrote another article. Check it out esse.

Bent over barbell rows:

16x50 kg
12x80 kg
2x12x100 kg
2x8x100 kg

Seated cable rows:

12x82 kg
12x96 kg
12x100 kg
12x105 kg
12x109 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

12x30 kg
12x34 kg
12x38 kg
2x8x40 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

12x26 kg
12x30 kg
12x34 kg - pain in left shoulder

Front dumbbell raises:

2x12x14 kg - same pain

Hammer chins:


Lying leg raises:

4x8xBW + 8 kg

Hanging leg raises:
