Saturday, November 17, 2012

Events training

My left biceps got seriously fucked today. Searing pain, the type of pain you get when you hit your shins against a sharp metal object. So Frank encouraged me:
- Don't worry man, it'll pass. You gotta be tough like me. 
- Hey Frank, you've got blood dripping from your nose.
- Oh yeah, from the pressure of deadlifting 3x240 kg. No big deal. So as I was saying...

Made quite a few PRs today. The 120 kg stone I owe it to all the tips from Gijs. Now I know how much I have to dip to make it effective. What a day...Frank "played" with the 130 kg stone. I've never seen him handle the stone so easily. He beat the stone into submission like it owed him money. He took the stone to school and taught it dynamic physics. Mister G trashed the chain yoke. Made the yoke cry...

Log presses:

8x60 kg
6x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x3x100 kg

Safety bar squats:

8x85 kg
8x115 kg
6x135 kg
6x155 kg
5x175 kg - PR
3x185 kg - PR

Chain yoke:

115 kg for 30 meters
165 kg for 30 meters
215 kg for 30 meters
235 kg for 30 meters - PR
275 kg for 30 meters - PR- 1 drop for 15 m and about 10 drops for the last 15 m

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x120 kg on 142 cm
3x130 kg on 142 cm
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the last one
3x120 kg on 165 cm - failed the last one
1x130 kg on 153 cm
1x120 kg on 177 cm - failed
1x120 kg on 177 cm - PR!

Farmer's walk:

80 kg for 60 meters
3x105 kg for 30 meters

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