Sunday, November 25, 2012

Events training

The Brick Fridge is addicted to stones and deadlifts. The more weight you put on the fridge the angrier he gets and the more impressive the performance. He said he's gonna take it easy but we all know you can't believe a junkie who's telling people that he's had enough for now :))) There's never enough weight to be lifted and never enough records to be shattered. Onwards to the 300 kg deadlift and the 175 kg stone.

It was good to see Big Belly back in the house joking and clowning about like there's somebody waiting to donate him a new pair of knees. I've never had knee problems from lifting weights but maybe it's not a bad idea to protect them as much as I can.

The war of attrition with Big G continues. I hope he realizes that all the things I say are not meant to insult or demoralize but to motivate and uplift the spirit. At the end of the day, after it's all said and done, Mister G is still the paragon for gym toughness and that's a motherfucking hard title to take away.

Strict axle presses:

3x8x55 kg
2x8x65 kg
2x6x75 kg
3x85 kg
2x1x90 kg

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg over 3.5 m
2x20 kg over 3.75 m
2x20 kg over 4 m - failed the first
3x2x20 kg over 4.3 m - fail


4x175 kg
4x185 kg
4x195 kg
4x205 kg
3x4x240 kg


150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
2x300 kg for 30 meters - used knee wraps

Tyre flips:

4x6x380 kg

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 129 cm
3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x110 kg on 153 cm
3x110 kg on 129 cm - competition stone
3x110 kg on 142 cm - competition stone
3x120 kg on 129 cm
3x120 kg on 142 cm
3x130 kg on 129 cm - failed the last one

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