Thursday, January 31, 2013

Upper body training

Edit: It's been 36 hours with no sleep whatsoever and I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. This fucking flu is killing me. Can't breathe, can't swallow hole food, double vision, headache, stomach pain. I can hardly talk. I'm not sure whether to keep drinking the massive amounts of tea that I've been drinking so far (1 litre per hour). My kidneys feel funny.

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x130 kg
5x140 kg
2x150 kg
8x100 kg - paused

Front cable pulldowns:

10x82 kg
10x96 kg
10x100 kg
10x105 kg
10x109 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
7x44 kg

Face pulls:

12x56 kg
12x68 kg
12x72 kg

Barbell shrugs:

12x100 kg
12x120 kg
10x140 kg
8x160 kg
2x8x170 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
2x10x60 kg

Dumbbell curls:

12x12 kg
12x14 kg
12x16 kg
12x18 kg
12x20 kg
12x22 kg

Hammer curls:

3x12x14 kg

Inverted situps:


Cable flyes:

25x23 kg
20x27 kg

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

Block pulls:

12x70 kg
6x70 kg
6x120 kg
5x160 kg
5x200 kg - straps on
3x230 kg
3x250 kg
1x260 kg - PR

High bar powerlifting squats:

8x60 kg
6x100 kg
5x120 kg
4x140 kg
3x5x140 kg

Safety bar good mornings:

8x75 kg
3x8x105 kg

Glute ham raises:

9xBW + small bands
8xBW + blue small bands

Calf presses:

20x50 kg
20x90 kg
20x130 kg
16x180 kg
16x210 kg

15 min stretching

Monday, January 28, 2013

Upper body training

When people ask you where RPB is located you tell them: RPB is somewhere between extreme bravery and borderline insanity. It's a state of mind, another dimension, an alternate universe.

Military presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
5x80 kg
3x90 kg
1x95 kg
1x100 kg

Hammer chins:


Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x30 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
6x44 kg
6x48 kg
6x52 kg

T-bar rows:

8x80 kg
8x100 kg
2x8x120 kg
8x130 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x30 kg
8x40 kg
6x50 kg
6x60 kg
6x70 kg

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
6x100 kg
2x6x120 kg

Low-bar powerlifting squats:

2x6x100 kg

Inverted sit-ups:


Neck raises:

8xBW + 5 kg
3x8xBW + 10 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x70 kg
12x110 kg
8x140 kg

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Events training

Blood and guts training. Epic, epic, again.

Box jumps:

2x6 on 1 m
5 on 1.10 m
3 on 1.20 m
3 on 1.22 m

Log press:

6x60 kg
6x80 kg
5x90 kg
3x5x100 kg - felt heavy but it's a volume PR

Weight for height:

2x20 kg on 4 m
2x20 kg on 4.20 m
1x20 kg on 4.45 m
3x2x20 kg on 4.60 m - fail

Tyre flips:

6x4x380 kg - speed

Atlas stones:

2x110 kg on 177 cm - fell on the floor 1st rep and bumped my head onto something
2x120 kg on 177 cm - second rep almost fainted, fell to the floor
1x120 kg on 177 cm - again very dizzy
1x120 kg on 177 cm - fail, dizzy
1x130 kg on 129 cm - no tacky
1x130 kg on 142 cm - no tacky
1x130 kg on 156 cm - fail
1x130 kg on 156 cm - no tacky
2x1x130 kg on 168 cm - fail
1x150 kg - lapped with no tacky PR
1x160 kg - couldn't budge it


100 kg for 24 m
150 kg for 24 m
200 kg for 12 m
3x260 kg for 12 m - back was gone

Farmer holds:

103 kg for 93 seconds - PR
103 kg for 70? seconds

Back extensions / Ab cable crunches:

3x20xBW / 3x20x25 kg

10 min stretching

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Upper body training

Push presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
5x90 kg
5x100 kg
3x110 kg
4x100 kg
5x90 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x5x130 kg
5x110 kg - paused
5x120 kg - paused

Incline barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x90 kg
3x8x100 kg

Cable front pulldowns:

12x77 kg
12x86 kg
12x97 kg
2x10x105 kg

Bent over barbell rows:

12x60 kg
12x90 kg
10x110 kg
8x110 kg

Barbell shrugs:

12x60 kg
12x100 kg
12x140 kg
8x160 kg
11x180 kg
8x180 kg
2x8x140 kg

Cable rows:

12x77 kg
12x96 kg
12x105 kg
2x12x114 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 10 kg
10xBW + 20 kg
8xBW + 25 kg

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lower body training

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
6x90 kg
5x120 kg
1x140 kg
3x5x160 kg

Front squats:

5x60 kg
5x80 kg
5x100 kg
5x110 kg
5x120 kg
5x130 kg

Deadlifts (beltless):

8x60 kg
6x110 kg
5x150 kg
2x5x170 kg (straps)
4x140 kg

Calf raises:

12x120 kg
12x157.5 kg
3x12x187.5 kg
11x187.5 kg

Inverted situps:


10 min stretching

Monday, January 21, 2013

Upper body training

Tired and cramped but relentless. Training with the right people makes a difference. You can always convince yourself: I'm only doing 3 reps cuz there's no point in doing more but your training partners will most likely call you a whiny cunt and that's gonna motivate you to push forward. We're lazy. Hard to admit isn't it? I admit it, I am LAZY. A lazy bastard with a lot of bullshit excuses. I need to up the ante and do more, train harder, better, smarter, faster...etc.

Military presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
5x5x80 kg

Hammer chins:

2x8xBW + 15 kg
2x6xBW + 15 kg

Close grip bench presses:

8x70 kg
5x90 kg
5x110 kg
5x130 kg
4x140 kg
8x120 kg - nice

Face pulls:

10x55 kg
10x64 kg
10x73 kg
10x77 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x38 kg
12x48 kg
2x12x52 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs / Calf machine shrugs:

12x110 kg / 12x120 kg
12x150 kg / 12x150 kg
2x12x150 kg / 2x12x187.5 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

6x40 kg
5x50 kg
5x60 kg
5x70 kg
5x75 kg
8x60 kg
2x7x60 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
10xBW + 10 kg
2x10xBW + 15 kg

Lying leg raises:

2x10xBW + 7 kg
1xBW + 7 kg - cramped like a motherfucker on the last set

15 min stretching

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Events training

There is no such thing as cold, only weak minds. If you choose easier challenges over the difficult ones you are a CHERRY PICKER ! More often than not you've got to roll up your sleeves and get dirty. Respect for Gijs and the kid that took the train for 3 hours. I pulled my hamstring with the yoke and pulled my right chest muscle with the 130 kg farmers. I fainted on the first rep with the 120 kg up and did 7 more reps. That's how winning is done. Motherfucking trains were late as well, had to walk to the gym. Fuck that shit, it's all about overcoming difficult challenges.

Axle clean and jerks:

5x65 kg
3x85 kg
1x105 kg - failed the powerclean
3x95 kg
1x105 kg - with powerclean (better form than Gijs)
1x115 kg - failed
1x120 kg - failed
2x110 kg
8x90 kg - PR - with powerclean every rep (90 seconds approx.)


100 kg for 22 m
150 kg for 22 m
200 kg for 22 m
255 kg for 22 m
305 kg for 22 m
325 kg for 11 m
345 kg for 7 m - PR

Farmers walk:

80 kg for 25 m
100 kg for 25 m
120 kg for 25 m
130 kg for 13 m - PR (distance)

Atlas stones:

5x90 kg on 129 cm
5x110 kg on 129 cm
5x120 kg on 129 cm - no belt, no tacky
1x130 kg on 129 cm - failed to lap it
5x120 kg on 142 cm
8x120 kg on 153 cm - PR- fainted after the 1st rep and got mad as a motherfucker

Hammer conditioning:

4x25 hits

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Upper body training

For those who haven't seen my latest videos:

Incline bench presses (60 degrees):

12x24 kg
8x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
2x5x44 kg
1x48 kg
10x38 kg

T-bar rows:

12x80 kg
3x10x100 kg

Flat barbell bench press:

8x60 kg
8x90 kg
6x120 kg
5x130 kg
4x120 kg - empty
6x100 kg - paused

Cable front pull-downs:

12x82 kg
10x96 kg
2x10x105 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x30 kg
8x40 kg
6x50 kg
6x60 kg
4x70 kg
1x80 kg - PR
8x60 kg - PR

Cable flyes:

10x32 kg
2x10x36 kg

Triceps pushdowns (extended pulley):

12x40 kg
12x45 kg
8x50 kg
8x55 kg
8x60 kg

Nautilus Scott bench curls:

20x10 kg
4x10x15 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
10xBW + 10 kg
2x10xBW + 15 kg
2x8xBW + 10 kg - paused

Barbell shrugs:

12x80 kg
3x12x100 kg
8x100 kg

5 min stretching 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lower body training

Full olympic squats:

8x50 kg
8x80 kg
6x110 kg
6x130 kg
5x150 kg
5x170 kg
3x180 kg
8x155 kg


6x50 kg
6x100 kg
5x120 kg
5x150 kg
4x180 kg
2x4x200 kg
2x200 kg
2x180 kg

Inverted situps:

2x10xBW + 10 kg
2x8xBW + 10 kg

Calf raises:

4x16x127.5 kg

Calf press raises:

4x16x190 kg

Lying leg raises:


10 min stretching

Monday, January 14, 2013

Upper body training

Military presses:

2x6x70 kg
6x75 kg
5x80 kg
3x90 kg
4x85 kg
3x85 kg



Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

8x32 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
6x44 kg
5x48 kg

Incline dumbbell flyes (30 degrees):

12x18 kg
12x22 kg
12x24 kg

Seated cable rows:

12x100 kg
12x114 kg
10x124 kg

Dumbbell curls:

8x12 kg
8x14 kg
8x16 kg
8x18 kg
6x20 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x40 kg
12x80 kg
12x110 kg
2x10x140 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
12xBW + 10 kg
12xBW + 15 kg
12xBW + 20 kg
8xBW + 20 kg

Cable ab crunches:

4x10x100 kg

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Events training

Solid training session today. The atlas stones are getting easier on the higher platforms. I copied the technique from Gijs and it's definitely paying dividends. I don't think he's gonna fail again at the qualifications. This technique is just to fail-proof. You have total control over the direction and speed of the stone. You're not at the mercy of the platform. Even Frank with his height almost made it. That's like me trying to get it on a 192 cm platform. LOL. I can't imagine doing that. Hitting the weight for height bag was fucking nice. It's perfect for combinations. Ingenious is my little name :))) My condition has deteriorated during these years of bulking (from 67 kg in 2003 at 1.84 m to 119 kg in 2008 at 1.87 cm and now at 106 kg) and I just can't throw the same number of punches in rapid combinations. It's still a good start. I'll be doing this every-time I go to RPB.    

Log presses:

2x6x60 kg
5x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x3x100 kg
6x100 kg - PR
2x3x100 kg

Weight for height:

2x4x20 kg over 4.25 m - fail
4x20 kg over 4 m - failed one
4x20 kg over 4 m - failed one
3x20 kg over 4 m
4x20 kg over 4 m - failed three
2x20 kg over 4 m - fail


150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
270 kg for 30 meters
300 kg for 15 meters

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed one
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed one
1x120 kg on 177 cm
4x120 kg on 177 cm - failed two - PR
3x110 kg on 177 cm - PR?

Farmers walk:

2x80 kg for 30 meters
90 kg for 30 meters
100 kg for 30 meters
110 kg for 30 meters

Heavy bag:

6x3 minute sets

- orthodox and southpaw position
- left jab, side step, uppercut
- right jab, left hook
- left hand, right cross, left uppercut, side step, right uppercut
- 30 punches one-two combination
- heavy right hooks, heavy left hooks, side step uppercuts
- overhand rights

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Upper body training

Push presses:

2x8x50 kg
5x70 kg
5x90 kg
5x100 kg
3x110 kg
2x115 kg
1x120 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
6x100 kg
6x130 kg
3x150 kg
7x140 kg ?
5x130 kg - paused

Hammer chins:


Seated nautilus machine rows:

12x55 kg
4x8x77 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x30 kg
8x40 kg
8x50 kg
6x60 kg
4x70 kg - PR
2x80 kg - PR

Incline bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

30x70 kg
20x70 kg
10x70 kg

Neck raises/ Calf raises:

2x12xBW / 16x105 kg
12xBW + 5 kg / 16x105 kg
12xBW + 10 kg / 16x105 kg
2x12xBW + 15 kg / 16x105 kg

Inverted sit-ups:


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

I have a horrible headache, pain in my upper back can't fucking turn my head...and of course the mother of all fuckers, right calf muscle. The evening of casualties. "We are not what we think, or what we say, or how we feel. We are what we do." I can talk about being tough all day but if I can't back it up with raw proof then I'm no better than a fucking civilian. Pain is my proof, overcoming pain is power, embracing the pain is freedom. Pain will set us all free.

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
6x100 kg
6x120 kg
6x140 kg
5x160 kg
5x170 kg - nice
3x180 kg
1x190 kg

Front squats:

6x70 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
3x140 kg
2x140 kg - paused

Deficit deadlifts (11 cm?):

10x70 kg
6x70 kg
6x120 kg
5x150 kg
4x170 kg - pronated
3x200 kg
8x170 kg - epic pronated, holding for dear life with my finger tips

Leg presses:

8x140 kg
8x190 kg
8x240 kg
5x330 kg - PR? - right calf muscle popped at the 4th rep, did another rep but that was the end
20x250 kg - suicide mode activated, horrendous pain

Leg press calf raises:

20x190 kg - intensity or insanity? managed to cry my way towards the end
20x230 kg - by now my right calf was numb

Monday, January 7, 2013

Upper body training

Ha ha, people coming up to me asking about the guy in the red t-shirt and the guy with black hair in a tank top. "They're a bit crazy, aren't they?" "Are they stronger than you?" "Is the guy in the red t-shirt a former bodybuilder?". Nah, they're just a bunch of dudes who had the bad luck of being born in the wrong century. I would give anything to go back at least a few hundred years. I get to make my own axe and shield, go to battle regularly, drink pure alcohol that will dissolve your teeth, eat wolves and bears, hookers in abundance and eventually die young. Quick and nasty, my kinda style. My DNA doesn't include grandpa mode.

Military presses:

2x8x50 kg
8x70 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg - PR?
1x100 kg - fail
3x5x85 kg
2x90 kg - 3rd fail




2x8xBW + 20 kg

Cable rows:

12x82 kg
10x100 kg
10x109 kg
10x114 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x80 kg
12x110 kg
8x130 kg
8x150 kg
2x7x170 kg
4x12x110 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x25 kg
8x35 kg
8x45 kg
8x55 kg
2x7x65 kg
6x55 kg - 5x45 kg - 5x35 kg - 5x25 kg (drop set)

Neck raises:

2x12xBW + 2.5 kg
8xBW + 5 kg
8xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
8xBW + 20 kg
7xBW + 25 kg

Lying leg raises:

8xBW + 8 kg
2x8xBW + 14 kg
6xBW + 14 kg

Close grip paused flat barbell bench presses (in the squat rack):

2x8x60 kg
8x90 kg
4x5x100 kg

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lower body training

For the first time in months I trained at the Library. So intense atmosphere that you can take a nap.


2x8x60 kg
6x120 kg
6x150 kg
4x5x185 kg
2x210 kg
2x220 kg
12x185 kg - never recovered after this set

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
5x90 kg
5x110 kg
5x130 kg
5x150 kg

Full olympic paused squats:

3x5x130 kg
5x140 kg

Calf press raises:

20x150 kg
16x190 kg
12x230 kg
12x270 kg
12x330 kg

Shrug machine calf raises:

4x12x135 kg

Lying leg raises:

10xBW + 8 kg
2x12xBW +10 kg

Neck raises:

4x12xBW + 2.5 kg

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Upper body training

You know when you're training with Frank that it's gonna be an intense and painful day. The Bionic Fridge was set loose from the very beginning with front squats. All out warfare on the dumbbell rows. What a day. This is what I'm talking about. Life to the fullest. I'd rather die on the battlefield than just slowly decompose and eventually expire. Fuck civilian life. Frank is the kind of warrior that if you question his ability to do a certain number of reps or weight he's gonna pull the performance of a life time, die in the process and come back to haunt you in your dreams with a big grin on his face and yelling: "It's your turn motherfucker". Dare to live becomes dare to die. Thanks for another great day above surface. See you on the battlefield again.

T-bar rows:

12x40 kg
12x60 kg
12x80 kg
8x100 kg
3x8x120 kg

Cable front pulldowns (extended pulley):

12x55 kg
12x65 kg
12x70 kg
10x80 kg

Dumbbell rows:

12x34 kg
12x44 kg
12x52 kg
2x12x60 kg - I died

Barbell shrugs:

12x100 kg
10x120 kg
8x140 kg
8x160 kg
7x180 kg + 2 reps - pronated grip
8x180 kg + 3 reps - pronated grip

Dumbbell curls:

8x12 kg
8x14 kg
8x16 kg
8x18 kg

Hammer curls:

8x14 kg
8x16 kg
8x18 kg
8x20 kg

Inverted sit-ups:


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Upper body training

Push presses:

2x8x50 kg
8x70 kg
5x5x90 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg (paused)
8x120 kg
7x130 kg

Bent over dumbbell raises:

2x12x14 kg
2x8x18 kg

Plate front raises:

4x12x15 kg

Overhead dumbbell triceps extensions:

4x12x14 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x20 kg
8x30 kg
8x40 kg
8x50 kg
8x55 kg
8x45 kg
2x8x40 kg
8x30 kg
8x40 kg
8x50 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

8x35 kg
8x50 kg
8x60 kg
8x55 kg