Monday, January 28, 2013

Upper body training

When people ask you where RPB is located you tell them: RPB is somewhere between extreme bravery and borderline insanity. It's a state of mind, another dimension, an alternate universe.

Military presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
5x80 kg
3x90 kg
1x95 kg
1x100 kg

Hammer chins:


Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x30 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
6x44 kg
6x48 kg
6x52 kg

T-bar rows:

8x80 kg
8x100 kg
2x8x120 kg
8x130 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x30 kg
8x40 kg
6x50 kg
6x60 kg
6x70 kg

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
6x100 kg
2x6x120 kg

Low-bar powerlifting squats:

2x6x100 kg

Inverted sit-ups:


Neck raises:

8xBW + 5 kg
3x8xBW + 10 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x70 kg
12x110 kg
8x140 kg

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