Sunday, January 20, 2013

Events training

There is no such thing as cold, only weak minds. If you choose easier challenges over the difficult ones you are a CHERRY PICKER ! More often than not you've got to roll up your sleeves and get dirty. Respect for Gijs and the kid that took the train for 3 hours. I pulled my hamstring with the yoke and pulled my right chest muscle with the 130 kg farmers. I fainted on the first rep with the 120 kg up and did 7 more reps. That's how winning is done. Motherfucking trains were late as well, had to walk to the gym. Fuck that shit, it's all about overcoming difficult challenges.

Axle clean and jerks:

5x65 kg
3x85 kg
1x105 kg - failed the powerclean
3x95 kg
1x105 kg - with powerclean (better form than Gijs)
1x115 kg - failed
1x120 kg - failed
2x110 kg
8x90 kg - PR - with powerclean every rep (90 seconds approx.)


100 kg for 22 m
150 kg for 22 m
200 kg for 22 m
255 kg for 22 m
305 kg for 22 m
325 kg for 11 m
345 kg for 7 m - PR

Farmers walk:

80 kg for 25 m
100 kg for 25 m
120 kg for 25 m
130 kg for 13 m - PR (distance)

Atlas stones:

5x90 kg on 129 cm
5x110 kg on 129 cm
5x120 kg on 129 cm - no belt, no tacky
1x130 kg on 129 cm - failed to lap it
5x120 kg on 142 cm
8x120 kg on 153 cm - PR- fainted after the 1st rep and got mad as a motherfucker

Hammer conditioning:

4x25 hits

1 comment:

  1. DAMN RIGHT SON! And indeed better form than me on the powerclean but than again I did 385 yoke without a belt and 150 farmers. But who's counting? We'll battle each other until we bleed and faint and in the proces get stronger and stronger.

