Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

I have a horrible headache, pain in my upper back can't fucking turn my head...and of course the mother of all fuckers, right calf muscle. The evening of casualties. "We are not what we think, or what we say, or how we feel. We are what we do." I can talk about being tough all day but if I can't back it up with raw proof then I'm no better than a fucking civilian. Pain is my proof, overcoming pain is power, embracing the pain is freedom. Pain will set us all free.

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
6x100 kg
6x120 kg
6x140 kg
5x160 kg
5x170 kg - nice
3x180 kg
1x190 kg

Front squats:

6x70 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
3x140 kg
2x140 kg - paused

Deficit deadlifts (11 cm?):

10x70 kg
6x70 kg
6x120 kg
5x150 kg
4x170 kg - pronated
3x200 kg
8x170 kg - epic pronated, holding for dear life with my finger tips

Leg presses:

8x140 kg
8x190 kg
8x240 kg
5x330 kg - PR? - right calf muscle popped at the 4th rep, did another rep but that was the end
20x250 kg - suicide mode activated, horrendous pain

Leg press calf raises:

20x190 kg - intensity or insanity? managed to cry my way towards the end
20x230 kg - by now my right calf was numb

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