Thursday, January 31, 2013

Upper body training

Edit: It's been 36 hours with no sleep whatsoever and I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. This fucking flu is killing me. Can't breathe, can't swallow hole food, double vision, headache, stomach pain. I can hardly talk. I'm not sure whether to keep drinking the massive amounts of tea that I've been drinking so far (1 litre per hour). My kidneys feel funny.

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x130 kg
5x140 kg
2x150 kg
8x100 kg - paused

Front cable pulldowns:

10x82 kg
10x96 kg
10x100 kg
10x105 kg
10x109 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
7x44 kg

Face pulls:

12x56 kg
12x68 kg
12x72 kg

Barbell shrugs:

12x100 kg
12x120 kg
10x140 kg
8x160 kg
2x8x170 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
2x10x60 kg

Dumbbell curls:

12x12 kg
12x14 kg
12x16 kg
12x18 kg
12x20 kg
12x22 kg

Hammer curls:

3x12x14 kg

Inverted situps:


Cable flyes:

25x23 kg
20x27 kg

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