Sunday, December 23, 2012

Events training (RPB)

Ohhhh what drama, ohh what drama. I need crutches to move after today's balls to the wall training. As I entered the train an old lady with her grandson looked at me like I just stepped off the mothership. The ticket controller knew better than to bother me. War was declared 1 year ago and it continues with impetuous frenzy. Ain't no business like strongman business :))) Payment is done through extreme levels of pain. Like Gijs said: Somewhere out there in some obscure hell hole of a dungeon one motherfucker is laughing at us for not training as hard as he is. This thought has got to be one of the most intimidating and frightening and it must put you on the knife edge, on high motherfucking alert. When you find yourself dreaming rosy and warm things remember that die hard motherfucker who's bleeding like a world war 2 battalion and WAKE THE FUCK UP. It's time to leave for battle.

Weight for height:

2x20 kg over 3.5 m
2x20 kg over 4 m
2x20 kg over 4.3 m - failed the first
2x20 kg over 4.4 m - failed the first
2x20 kg over 4.5 m - PR - failed the first
2x2x20 kg over 4.6 m - fail

Log press:

6x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
4x100 kg
2x110 kg
1x115 kg
1x120 kg - PR


3x175 kg
3x205 kg
5x240 kg
6x240 kg
8x240 kg - PR


150 kg for 24 m
200 kg for 24 m
250 kg for 24 m
300 kg for 24 m - severe pain in my right heel

Tyre flips (back to back):

3x10x380 kg

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 129 cm
2x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the second
2x120 kg on 180 cm - fail
2x110 kg on 180 cm - failed the second
3x130 kg on 129 cm - fucking heavy

Conditioning (fancy word for calculated pain):

20x25 kg weight right and left arm lift-ups / 10x50 kg treetrunk squats / 10 jumps on tyre / 20 hammer hits

2 sets

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