Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

There's nothing like training with the complete brigade. I'll bet the motherfucking house that had we been born in the middle ages we would've fought along side against the other warriors. Blood in, blood out. Fighting during the day, eating pig legs and drinking moonshine from a metal bucket and fucking sleazy long-dress wearing women. Somebody up there is having a joke at our expense. Put us back where we belong motherfucker, back on the battlefield. I don't want to live in this sissified society. I want to die before 30 swinging an axe into somebody's skull. A big thanks for my hard-headed motherfuckers keepin' it real and bloody. To quote "...The finest human beings. All they need is someone to throw hand grenades at them for the rest of their life". 

Front squats:

2x8x50 kg
8x90 kg
6x110 kg
5x120 kg
5x130 kg
4x140 kg
2x150 kg
1x160 kg - equals former PR
1x165 kg - PR


8x100 kg
6x140 kg
4x170 kg
4x200 kg
2x220 kg
1x240 kg
1x250 kg - motherfucking sweet PR

Deficit deadlifts:

6x150 kg
4x170 kg - pronated
3x190 kg - pronated, failed the fourth
1x210 kg - pronated, failed the bitch, fuuuuck!

Safety bar good mornings:
8x55 kg
8x75 kg
10x75 kg
12x75 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x40 kg
4x12x50 kg

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