Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

When pain comes a-knockin', you better not be talkin'. Embrace pain cuz pain is the saviour. Environment has a big influence so surround yourself with ferocious individuals that can make sure you get your daily dose of pain. Beware of soft-spoken, politically-correct, ass-licking, rat-like people. I'd rather have mothefuckers tell me "You a pussy son, you're not training tough enough, you're not even relevant"..etc than have the aforementioned dickless cunts blowing steam up my ass. I'm grateful for the hard headed tough guys at RPB cuz they'll use every opportunity to make you "suffer" :)))  It's an honour and a pleasure to share the same battlefield with them. Peace out.

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
8x90 kg
8x110 kg
8x130 kg
6x150 kg
4x5x165 kg

Deficit deadlifts:

8x70 kg
6x120 kg
6x150 kg
4x170 kg
4x200 kg
4x210 kg
4x220 kg - PR

Leg presses:

8x175 kg
8x225 kg
8x275 kg
8x315 kg
8x275 kg

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