Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lower body training

It's too motherfucking hot in this hellhole, 27 degrees and it hasn't rained in months. With just a few hours of sleep in 3 days I went to my old gym. It stinks, it's moldy, no curtains in the showers so everybody in the street can see your naked ass but they've got hot water, I couldn't believe my eyes. Dirt cheap...6.5 euros for 2 weeks and 11 euros for 1 month. They don't fuck about with 15 kg barbells or complain about dropping the weight or using chalk (a few years a go there was chalk provided for serious athletes). At "All soft" nobody puts their plates back on the racks because they don't fear/respect the instructors but in this motherfucker the instructor will humiliate your ass to death if you don't behave.

I was talking with somebody on the street and a few minutes later the cops and paramedics came by and took him away. No explanation, no hassle...Weird, nah, it's just a vicious environment.

You know your in a different world when your own mom looks at you in disbelief: What do you mean you're only gonna eat chicken? You gotta eat some pork steak with mashed potatoes, rice and spicy sous.

Meal 1: Chicken + pork steak + mashed potatoes + rice
Meal 2 : Pork sausages + turkey liver + mashed potatoes
Meal 3: Turkey ham + pork pate
Meal 4: Pork sausages + turkey liver + rice
Meal 5: Whisky + beer

Not to mention all the cookies, cakes, pies, fruits in between and after meals. I left Tuesday at 103 kg and I'm now (Friday) at 106 kg. 

Full olympic squats:

Beltless and with crappy shoes

12x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
4x130 kg
4x140 kg
2x150 kg

Hack squats:

4x12x100 kg

Leg presses:

12x150 kg
12x190 kg
12x230 kg
12x260 kg
12x290 kg

Calf raises hack squat machine:

16x80 kg
16x120 kg
16x160 kg
2x16x200 kg

Seated calf raises:

16x50 kg
16x70 kg
2x16x80 kg

Lying leg raises:

3x12xBW+8 kg

Cable ab crunches:

20x50 kg
16x70 kg
12x90 kg
2x12x100 kg

Back extensions (paused):


Neck raises:

20x6 kg
16x9 kg
12x12 kg
12x15 kg

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