Monday, October 8, 2012

Upper body training

Reached 108 kg this morning but it doesn't really help me with anything except that I now have a large gut and it's harder to tie my shoelaces. Since flexibility and endurance are my forte I see no reason to continue this increase in body mass. I am not stronger nor am I "fuller" from the excessive amounts of carbs. 100 to 105 is my functional body weight if I am to preserve the aforementioned qualities.

Cable front pulldowns:

20x70 kg
16x90 kg
12x100 kg
12x110 kg
2x12x120 kg

Seated cable rows:

20x65 kg
16x80 kg
16x100 kg
12x120 kg
2x12x130 kg

T-bar rows:

20x60 kg
3x12x80 kg

Face pulls:

20x55 kg
16x70 kg
12x80 kg
2x12x90 kg

Dumbbell shrugs (paused):

3x20x38 kg
2x20x42 kg

Bent over rear delt raises:

16x12 kg
12x15 kg
2x12x20 kg

Roman chair sit-ups:


Neck raises:

16x9 kg
2x16x12 kg

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