Saturday, April 27, 2013

Events training

People always enjoy it when I make fun of civilians or other under-performing life-forms but I don't want to make a habit of hating on those who can't comprehend this lifestyle. Let them be whatever they want to be.

They can take your records, they can take your number one spot, they can even take your place in history but they will never be able to take the amount of work that you've put in. At the end of the day I am more proud of my progression on stones, deadlifts and yoke than on the hercules hold, weight for height and squats.

Log press (wooden log):

2x8x52.5 kg
6x62.5 kg
5x72.5 kg
5x82.5 kg
3x92.5 kg
3x102.5 kg - the ball of my left knee went out... something weird, got scared
1x112.5 kg - searing pain in both arms
2x5x82.5 kg - strict
3x102.5 kg - additional set at the end of training

Weight for height:

3x2x20 kg over 4.15 m - some fails
3x4x20 kg over 4.4 m - mostly fails
1x20 kg over 4.5 m - nice
5x2x20 kg over 4.6 m - all fails


100 kg for 30 m
150 kg for 30 m
200 kg for 15 m
250 kg for 15 m
300 kg for 15 m
320 kg for 35 m - PR for distance, no drops, on video

Atlas stones:

2x110 kg on 150 cm
2x110 kg on 180 cm
1x120 kg on 180 cm
1x130 kg on 180 cm - fail

stone run (PR!, PR!, PR!):

110 kg - 180 cm
120 kg - 168 cm
130 kg - 150 cm
150 kg - 142 cm
160 kg - 132 cm - massive stone run. First three stones were easy.The best I've ever been on stones!

semi-stone run (again PR!):

120 kg - 180 cm
130 kg - 168 cm
150 kg - 150 cm

1x130 kg on 132 cm
8x150 kg on 132 cm - fuck you Gijs, you carpet munching, chocomel drinking, blonde haired varkensboer.

Farmer's walk:

2x80 kg for 15 m
100 kg for 15 m
2x110 kg for 15 m
120 kg for 15 m

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