Thursday, April 4, 2013

Upper body training

Frank has been putting me to shame this week. Almost lost again to him today. My lungs are on fire. I'm thinking of going to the doctor. The last time I went to see the doc was in March 2011 :)))

Push presses:

2x8x60 kg
5x80 kg
5x90 kg
5x100 kg
3x110 kg

Flat bench presses:

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
4x140 kg - heavy
7x130 kg - failed the 8th

Hammer chins:


High incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
5x44 kg - heavy
6x44 kg - equaled Frank

Face pulls:

12x55 kg
12x68 kg
2x10x82 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x70 kg
12x100 kg
12x120 kg
12x140 kg
2x8x160 kg
12x120 kg

Neck raises:

2x20xBW - pain

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