Thursday, April 18, 2013

Upper body training

Epic grinding by Frank on the dumbbell presses. I have seldom seen so much suffering on a human face. It took him what appeared to be forever to make the rep but he managed to push it through and he got 1 rep with 44 kg. Victory....or so it seemed until I manhandled 6 reps with the same weight. Still, from now on I'll call him Frankie "Lemon Face". Squirming like he just dipped his face in a bucket of lemons.

Bench presses:

12x60 kg
6x60 kg
8x80 kg
6x100 kg
5x120 kg
5x120 kg
5x130 kg
5x140 kg
4x140 kg
5x130 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

12x82 kg
3x10x91 kg

High incline dumbbell presses:

8x30 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
5x44 kg
6x44 kg - adios Frank

Face pulls:

12x59 kg
12x64 kg
12x68 kg
10x73 kg

Barbell shrugs:

20x60 kg
16x90 kg
2x12x120 kg

Lying leg raises:

3x8xBW + 8kg

Triceps pushdowns:

12x20 kg
12x30 kg
16x50 kg - Frank did 7

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