Thursday, May 30, 2013

Upper body training

Extremely lethargic training session.

Bench press:

2x8x60 kg
8x80 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
5x130 kg
5x140 kg
3x150 kg - failed the 4th
3x150 kg - ugly last rep
18x100 kg - rep-out

Hammer chins:

2x8xBW + 10 kg
6xBW + 10 kg + 3xBW + 3xBW + 2xBW - drop set

High incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

10x28 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
6x40 kg
7x40 kg

Face pulls:

8x59 kg
8x68 kg
8x77 kg
8x86 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x110 kg
8x140 kg
3x12x140 kg
10x140 kg

Dumbbell curls:

6x16 kg
6x20 kg
6x22 kg
6x24 kg

Behind the neck cable pulldowns (rehab for left shoulder):

12x59 kg
12x68 kg
2x12x77 kg

Triceps pushdowns (extended pulley):

12x25 kg
12x35 kg
12x45 kg
12x55 kg
12x65 kg

Seated cable rows:

12x86 kg
12x91 kg
12x105 kg
12x114 kg

Cable ab crunches:

2x12x77 kg
12x91 kg
3x12x105 kg

Leg press calf raises:

16x120 kg
16x160 kg
3x16x190 kg

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

10x70 kg - beltless (just rehband belt)
8x100 kg
5x120 kg
5x140 kg
3x150 kg - belt on
3x160 kg
2x170 kg
2x180 kg
4x180 kg
2x170 kg

Front squats:

8x70 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
3x130 kg
1x150 kg
1x160 kg - heavy

Power cleans:

5x50 kg
5x77.5 kg
3x97.5 kg
1x107.5 kg
1x120 kg - equals PR
1x125 kg - PR
1x130 kg - PR
2x0x135 kg
2x0x120 kg - beltless, too tired (Frank said lazy)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Upper body training

I wrote a short article. Check it out.

Military presses:

2x8x50 kg
5x70 kg
5x80 kg
2x3x90 kg
2x90 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

10x32 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
5x48 kg
7x52 kg
6x52 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

8x82 kg
8x91 kg
8x100 kg
10x109 kg
8x100 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

8x120 kg
8x160 kg
2x8x180 kg

Crucifix holds:

12 kg kettlebell for approx. 20 seconds - left shoulder is fucked so no point in being a hero

Dumbbell hammer curls:

6x14 kg
6x16 kg
6x20 kg
6x22 kg

Seated cable rows (close grip):

8x91 kg
12x105 kg
2x12x114 kg

Neck raises:

8xBW + 5 kg
8xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
2x8xBW + 20 kg

Lying leg raises:

3x8xBW + 8kg

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Events training

Back in action at RPB.

Log press:

6x75 kg
4x95 kg
3x105 kg
3x110 kg
6x100 kg

Tyre flips:

4x4x380 kg
4x6x380 kg
8x380 kg - 28 sec PR
8x380 kg - 30 sec


150 kg - 15 m
200 kg - 15 m
250 kg - 15 m
2x300 kg - 15 m
320 kg - 15 m

Weight for height:

2x2x20 kg over 3.5 m - a few fails, lack of flexibility
4x2x20 kg over 4 m - again a few fails
2x20 kg over 4.15 m
5x0x20 kg over 4.3 m

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg - 132 cm
4x110 kg - 180 cm - 5 attempts
2x120 kg - 180 cm - 4 attempts
2x130 kg - 132 cm - same speed with Gijs
1x150 kg - 132 cm - no contest
1x175 kg - 132 cm - best grip ever

Medley (2x):

3x380 kg tyre flips
150 kg yoke - 15 m
80 kg farmers - 15 m
155 kg duck walk - 15 m
100 kg prowler - 15 m

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

Box squats:

8x70 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
5x150 kg - beltless
5x170 kg
4x180 kg
2x180 kg
5x160 kg - ugly, ugly reps

Front squats:

8x70 kg
5x90 kg
5x110 kg
3x120 kg
2x140 kg
2x150 kg


5x120 kg
5x150 kg
4x180 kg
3x200 kg - beltless, 1st with pronated grip
2x5x220 kg

Viking press calf raises:

12x50 kg
16x100 kg
16x140 kg
2x20x140 kg - ahhhhhhh, the pain....sets you free

Lying leg raises:


Crucifix holds:

10 kg plates for 30 sec
10 kg plates for 45 sec

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Upper body training

Bench press:

2x8x70 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x140 kg
3x155 kg - PR, last one was freakin' ugly
7x130 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

8x86 kg
8x91 kg
8x105 kg
8x114 kg

High incline dumbbell presses:

8x28 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
7x48 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x40 kg
6x50 kg
6x60 kg
6x55 kg

Face pulls:

12x64 kg
10x77 kg
8x86 kg
10x96 kg - PR

Triceps pushdowns (extended pulley):

8x45 kg
8x55 kg
2x8x45 kg

Straight arms pushdowns:

4x8x25 kg

Hammer plate curls:

6x10 kg
6x15 kg
2x6x20 kg

Dumbbell holds:

6 kg for approx. 90 sec
7 kg for approx. 60 sec - no rest after the 6 kg

5 min stretching

Monday, May 20, 2013

Upper body training (RPB)

A lot of people like to quote big words and give speeches but nobody wants to get their hands dirty with old school hard work. Is it a coincidence that the hardest working individuals in the gym are also the ones with the best results? Is it a coincidence that no matter their outside life they manage to make time for training? And is it a motherfucking coincidence that when those never-ending injuries begin to surface they keep pushing till it hurts and beyond? Be harsh with yourself. Don't be the guy who always wallows in his own misery. I'll be adding another article today so keep an eye on the article section.

Strict log presses (wooden):

5x52.5 kg
5x52.5 kg - push press
5x62.5 kg - push press
5x72.5 kg - push press
5x82.5 kg - don't remember the weights exactly
3x92.5 kg
2x97.5 kg - PR
1x102.5 kg - PR
0x105 kg
3x92.5 kg


2x8xBW - wide grip
8xBW + 20
8xBW + 30 kg
5xBW + 40 kg - nice without much pain in left biceps
10xBW - hammer grip
9xBW - hammer grip

Incline axle presses (62 mm axle):

8x35 kg
8x75 kg
5x95 kg
5x105 kg
5x115 kg - PR
2x125 kg - PR

Bent over barbell rows:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
3x8x100 kg

One hand strict dumbbell presses:

3x20x16 kg L&R - no back support

Farmer shrugs:

2x8x60 kg
8x80 kg

EZ barbell curls:

8x25 kg
8x35 kg
8x45 kg - niiice!
8x40 kg
2x8x25 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x30 kg
12x45 kg
2x12x55 kg
12x25 kg

Triceps band pushdowns:

3x30 kg

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lower body training

Full olympic squat:

8x60 kg
6x100 kg
5x120 kg
3x140 kg
3x160 kg
2x180 kg
1x190 kg


6x70 kg
6x110 kg
3x140 kg
3x160 kg
3x180 kg
2x210 kg
2x230 kg
1x240 kg - easy but my back was toasted from Wednesday

Deficit deadlifts:

2x2x160 kg

Close grip bench press:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x5x130 kg
2x2x130 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

8x73 kg
8x91 kg
8x105 kg
8x114 kg


6x60 kg
4x80 kg
3x100 kg

Inverted sit-ups:


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Upper body training

Finally, after almost 3 years of constant pain in my left biceps tendon (had a partial distal biceps tear whilst doing a rack pull using a mixed grip in August 2010) I could go above 26 kg on the dumbbell curls. You can't even begin to fathom how delighted I am. I didn't even use my rehband sleeves. What a day. 3 years of pain might finally come to an end. Biceps tears are debilitating injuries. My left biceps (curls, stones, cleans, etc) has been functioning at about 70% strength compared to my right ever since. I thought the highlight of the day would be the 1x165 kg bench press but that was nothing compared to the "heavy" curling :))) When I was 17 I did 8x42 kg dumbbell curls per arm and a 1x120 kg barbell curl.  

Bench presses:

2x8x60 kg
8x80 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x140 kg
2x150 kg
1x165 kg - equals PR
0x170 kg

Cable pulldowns:

12x91 kg
8x105 kg
2x8x114 kg

High incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
5x48 kg - PR, right shoulder cracked at the 6th rep
7x48 kg - huge PR

Face pulls:

12x51 kg
12x68 kg
12x73 kg
12x86 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

8x110 kg
8x150 kg
8x180 kg
8x200 kg
6x220 kg - PR is 8
2x8x110 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
12xBW + 10 kg
12xBW + 15 kg
2x8xBW + 20 kg

Dumbbell curls:

6x14 kg
6x18 kg
6x22 kg
6x24 kg
6x26 kg
5x28 kg
5x30 kg

Hammer dumbbell curls:

6x20 kg
2x6x24 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

12x64 kg
12x86 kg
12x105 kg
12x114 kg

10 min stretching

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

8x50 kg
8x70 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
5x150 kg - beltless
3x160 kg
3x170 kg
5x180 kg - PR

Front squats:

5x70 kg
5x90 kg
5x120 kg
3x140 kg
2x150 kg

Block pulls (12 cm):

5x120 kg
4x160 kg
3x200 kg - beltless
2x230 kg
2x250 kg
2x270 kg - PR, mixed grip

Safety bar good mornings (beltless):

8x75 kg
8x95 kg
8x105 kg
8x115 kg
8x125 kg

Farmer deadlifts:

2x5x93 kg - beltless

Cable ab crunches:

16x30 kg
12x40 kg
12x55 kg
2x12x40 kg

Monday, May 13, 2013

Upper body training

Military presses:

3x6x50 kg
5x70 kg
5x80 kg
4x90 kg - equals PR?
2x3x70 kg - speed

Push presses:

5x100 kg

Hammer chins:


Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

10x28 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
6x48 kg
5x52 kg - like Frank said, 4 is not a number :))

Cable rows:

12x96 kg
10x105 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x40 kg
6x50 kg
8x55 kg
8x50 kg

Crucifix holds:

10 kg dumbbells for 42 seconds

Lying leg raises:

8xBW + 8 kg
2x8xBW + 10 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
12xBW + 10 kg
12xBW + 15 kg
10xBW + 15 kg

Dumbbell curls:

6x14 kg
6x18 kg
6x22 kg
6x24 kg
6x26 kg

Hammer dumbbell curls:

6x16 kg
2x6x20 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x80 kg
6x8x120 kg

Front cable pulldowns (wide grip):

12x73 kg
12x86 kg
12x91 kg

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Events training

The 3 fart masters in action. We weighed the weight for height sack and it's precisely 20 kg. We built a nice platform for the log and we used the yoke to do stones. This concludes my essay for today. P.S. Frank is a beast.

Log press (anti-ecto):

2x3x95 kg
2x105 kg
1x110 kg
1x115 kg - PR with this log
1x120 kg - PR idem
3x0x125 kg - dizzy and my back wasn't up to par

Speed deadlifts (beltless):

5x120 kg
3x150 kg
6x2x170 kg

Weight for height:

3x2x20 kg over 3.6 m - without leg drive
2x20 kg over 4.15 m - fail
2x20 kg over 4.25 m - 2nd rep fail
2x20 kg over 4.25 m - fail

Farmer's walk (15 m turn):

80 kg for 54 m
80 kg for 30 m
100 kg for 30 m
120 kg for 30 m
125 kg for 30 m
130 kg for 30 m - PR with turn, heavy pickup - no grip issues

Atlas stones:

1x110 kg over 120 cm
2x110 kg over 120 cm
2x120 kg over 120 cm
1x130 kg over 120 cm
1x150 kg over 120 cm - PR without tacky, PR full squat position
0x160 kg over 120 cm - too smooth :))
1x130 kg over 120 cm

Hammer (conditioning):

2x25 L&R - 50 hits per arm
10x10 L&R = 100 hits per arm


2x100 kg for 4x15 m

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Upper body training

Bench press:

12x55 kg
6x85 kg
5x105 kg
5x120 kg
5x130 kg
2x140 kg
2x150 kg
1x160 kg - failed the second
5x140 kg - failed the 6th

Front cable pulldowns:

12x91 kg
12x105 kg
10x114 kg
8x114 kg

High incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
6x44 kg
3x44 kg - cramps in my right leg, had to drop the dumbbells

T-bar rows:

8x80 kg
8x100 kg
8x110 kg

Behind the neck strict barbell presses:

8x40 kg
8x50 kg

Dumbbell curls:

6x16 kg
6x20 kg
2x6x22 kg

Inverted sit-ups:

8xBW + 10 kg
10xBW + 10 kg

Triceps pushdowns (extended pulley):

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
8x60 kg
8x55 kg

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
8x90 kg
6x110 kg
5x130 kg
5x140 kg
5x150 kg
5x160 kg
5x170 kg
2x180 kg - heavy

Deadlifts (w/ green bands):

6x120 kg
3x150 kg
2x170 kg
2x190 kg
2x210 kg
1x240 kg - PR, felt heavy as a mercury filled barrel

Safety bar squats (beltless and paused):

5x65 kg
5x95 kg
5x105 kg
5x115 kg

Leg press calf raises:

16x100 kg
16x140 kg
16x170 kg
2x16x190 kg

Monday, May 6, 2013

Upper body training

Military presses:

6x60 kg
5x70 kg
4x80 kg
3x90 kg
1x100 kg - failed the second
7x80 kg - PR?

Push presses:

5x105 kg

Hammer chins:


Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
6x44 kg
8x52 kg - PR is 9

Nautilus machine rows:

12x55 kg
2x12x77 kg
10x77 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

8x120 kg
8x150 kg
8x180 kg
8x200 kg

Lying leg raises:

8xBW + 8 kg
2x8xBW + 10 kg

Dumbbell curls:

12x14 kg
6x18 kg
2x6x22 kg

Rope pushdowns:

12x55 kg
3x8x73 kg

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Events training

Log pres (wooden log):

2x6x52.5 kg
6x72.5 kg
4x82.5 kg
3x92.5 kg
3x102.5 kg
2x112.5 kg
1x122.5 kg - PR
0x127.5 kg
1x125 kg - PR
1x130 kg - PR, I never thought I would reach the 130 before Frank

Log press (anti-ecto, competition style, 75 seconds):

4x110 kg
3x110 kg - failed to lock the 4th

Tyre flips (beltless):

8x380 kg - 30 seconds
8x380 kg - 33 seconds
8x380 kg - 32 seconds

Weight for height:

2x1x21 kg over 3.5 m
1x21 kg over 3.75 m
1x21 kg over 4.2 m - fail
1x21 kg over 4 m
1x21 kg over 4.2 m
2x1x21 kg over 4.3 m - fail
1x21 kg over 4.2 m - fail

Farmer's walk:

80 kg for 30 m
100 kg for 15 m
120 kg for 75 m (1 turn) - PR, burned the skin off my thumbs and quit because of the pain
120 kg for 37 m - I don't remember the time, maybe 18 seconds


100 kg for 30 m
200 kg for 15 m
3x300 kg for 15 m


50 kg for 4x15 m
80 kg for 4x15 m
100 kg for 4x15 m
120 kg for 4x15 m

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Upper body training

Training with Frank today who, unfortunately, is light years removed from his usual gung-ho (unthinkingly enthusiastic and eager, especially about taking part in fighting and warfare) state. Nobody waits for you to feel better or for life to give you a break. Either you pull your boots and start a motherfucking riot or you'll soon be forgotten. That's available for me as well.

Barbell bench presses:

8x70 kg
8x90 kg
5x110 kg
3x130 kg
2x140 kg
1x150 kg
1x160 kg
19x100 kg - PR is 28 reps (back in 2008 at 20 years old)

Wide grip pulldowns:

8x91 kg
8x105 kg
8x114 kg
8x124 kg - nice

High incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
2x6x44 kg

Face pulls:

12x59 kg
8x73 kg
8x86 kg
8x91 kg

EZ skullcrushers:

12x40 kg
12x50 kg
10x60 kg

Dumbbell curls:

6x14 kg
6x18 kg
6x20 kg
2x6x22 kg

Dumbbell hammer curls:

12x14 kg
12x16 kg
12x18 kg

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lower body training (RPB)

When the going gets tough the tough get going and we're tougher than them. This was the kind of day when you upgrade your mental strength. I would really like to write 10 pages about what happened but I'm shaking like a sick dog. I'll write a full article about this in the near future. All I can say is that if you want to be tough you gotta train in a tough environment with tough motherfuckers.

Full olympic squats:

2x10x70 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x140 kg
5x160 kg
1x180 kg
1x195 kg - PR
1x200 kg - PR
5x170 kg


12x70 kg
6x120 kg
5x170 kg
2x200 kg - pronated PR, close fail with the 3rd
0x210 kg - pronated
3x210 kg
2x2x240 kg
3x250 kg - straps, PR
4x10x200 kg - mother of all PR's ever! - Gijs was the supreme beast doing them beltless!

Lying leg raises:
