Thursday, May 16, 2013

Upper body training

Finally, after almost 3 years of constant pain in my left biceps tendon (had a partial distal biceps tear whilst doing a rack pull using a mixed grip in August 2010) I could go above 26 kg on the dumbbell curls. You can't even begin to fathom how delighted I am. I didn't even use my rehband sleeves. What a day. 3 years of pain might finally come to an end. Biceps tears are debilitating injuries. My left biceps (curls, stones, cleans, etc) has been functioning at about 70% strength compared to my right ever since. I thought the highlight of the day would be the 1x165 kg bench press but that was nothing compared to the "heavy" curling :))) When I was 17 I did 8x42 kg dumbbell curls per arm and a 1x120 kg barbell curl.  

Bench presses:

2x8x60 kg
8x80 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x140 kg
2x150 kg
1x165 kg - equals PR
0x170 kg

Cable pulldowns:

12x91 kg
8x105 kg
2x8x114 kg

High incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
5x48 kg - PR, right shoulder cracked at the 6th rep
7x48 kg - huge PR

Face pulls:

12x51 kg
12x68 kg
12x73 kg
12x86 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

8x110 kg
8x150 kg
8x180 kg
8x200 kg
6x220 kg - PR is 8
2x8x110 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
12xBW + 10 kg
12xBW + 15 kg
2x8xBW + 20 kg

Dumbbell curls:

6x14 kg
6x18 kg
6x22 kg
6x24 kg
6x26 kg
5x28 kg
5x30 kg

Hammer dumbbell curls:

6x20 kg
2x6x24 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

12x64 kg
12x86 kg
12x105 kg
12x114 kg

10 min stretching

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