Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Upper body training

Bench press:

2x8x70 kg
5x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x140 kg
3x155 kg - PR, last one was freakin' ugly
7x130 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

8x86 kg
8x91 kg
8x105 kg
8x114 kg

High incline dumbbell presses:

8x28 kg
8x36 kg
6x40 kg
7x48 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

8x40 kg
6x50 kg
6x60 kg
6x55 kg

Face pulls:

12x64 kg
10x77 kg
8x86 kg
10x96 kg - PR

Triceps pushdowns (extended pulley):

8x45 kg
8x55 kg
2x8x45 kg

Straight arms pushdowns:

4x8x25 kg

Hammer plate curls:

6x10 kg
6x15 kg
2x6x20 kg

Dumbbell holds:

6 kg for approx. 90 sec
7 kg for approx. 60 sec - no rest after the 6 kg

5 min stretching

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