Monday, May 20, 2013

Upper body training (RPB)

A lot of people like to quote big words and give speeches but nobody wants to get their hands dirty with old school hard work. Is it a coincidence that the hardest working individuals in the gym are also the ones with the best results? Is it a coincidence that no matter their outside life they manage to make time for training? And is it a motherfucking coincidence that when those never-ending injuries begin to surface they keep pushing till it hurts and beyond? Be harsh with yourself. Don't be the guy who always wallows in his own misery. I'll be adding another article today so keep an eye on the article section.

Strict log presses (wooden):

5x52.5 kg
5x52.5 kg - push press
5x62.5 kg - push press
5x72.5 kg - push press
5x82.5 kg - don't remember the weights exactly
3x92.5 kg
2x97.5 kg - PR
1x102.5 kg - PR
0x105 kg
3x92.5 kg


2x8xBW - wide grip
8xBW + 20
8xBW + 30 kg
5xBW + 40 kg - nice without much pain in left biceps
10xBW - hammer grip
9xBW - hammer grip

Incline axle presses (62 mm axle):

8x35 kg
8x75 kg
5x95 kg
5x105 kg
5x115 kg - PR
2x125 kg - PR

Bent over barbell rows:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
3x8x100 kg

One hand strict dumbbell presses:

3x20x16 kg L&R - no back support

Farmer shrugs:

2x8x60 kg
8x80 kg

EZ barbell curls:

8x25 kg
8x35 kg
8x45 kg - niiice!
8x40 kg
2x8x25 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x30 kg
12x45 kg
2x12x55 kg
12x25 kg

Triceps band pushdowns:

3x30 kg

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