Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

2x8x70 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x140 kg
5x160 kg
4x170 kg
2x180 kg
2x185 kg


8x70 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
6x150 kg
4x170 kg
2x190 kg
2x210 kg
2x230 kg
2x240 kg

Farmers walk:

60 kg for 30 meters
80 kg for 30 meters
100 kg for 30 meters

Farmer shrugs:

3x12x93 kg

Lying leg raises:


Barbell shrugs:

3x12x70 kg
3x12x100 kg

Cable crunches:

2x12x40 kg
3x12x50 kg
2x12x55 kg

Monday, December 24, 2012

Upper body training (RPB)

What is this Mickey Mouse Christmas business? Another lame excuse to sit on the couch and perpetuate your own brain-washing. Christmas promotes inactivity, laziness, false hope, forgiveness. Listen to me carefully and absorb these words: The collective asshole that people are attached to in a mouth to ass position through which they suck the miserable bullshit cannot cleanse your sins. Fuck the holidays. This is war. I repeat. WAR. No time for happy happy holidays. Lady pain needs her daily sacrifice.

Strict log presses:

2x8x60 kg
6x70 kg
4x80 kg
3x90 kg
2x95 kg
1x100 kg - fail
5x80 kg
4x85 kg

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x130 kg
6x140 kg

High incline thick axle presses:

8x35 kg
8x65 kg
6x85 kg
6x95 kg
3x105 kg



Bent over barbell rows:

3x12x70 kg
2x8x90 kg

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Events training (RPB)

Ohhhh what drama, ohh what drama. I need crutches to move after today's balls to the wall training. As I entered the train an old lady with her grandson looked at me like I just stepped off the mothership. The ticket controller knew better than to bother me. War was declared 1 year ago and it continues with impetuous frenzy. Ain't no business like strongman business :))) Payment is done through extreme levels of pain. Like Gijs said: Somewhere out there in some obscure hell hole of a dungeon one motherfucker is laughing at us for not training as hard as he is. This thought has got to be one of the most intimidating and frightening and it must put you on the knife edge, on high motherfucking alert. When you find yourself dreaming rosy and warm things remember that die hard motherfucker who's bleeding like a world war 2 battalion and WAKE THE FUCK UP. It's time to leave for battle.

Weight for height:

2x20 kg over 3.5 m
2x20 kg over 4 m
2x20 kg over 4.3 m - failed the first
2x20 kg over 4.4 m - failed the first
2x20 kg over 4.5 m - PR - failed the first
2x2x20 kg over 4.6 m - fail

Log press:

6x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
4x100 kg
2x110 kg
1x115 kg
1x120 kg - PR


3x175 kg
3x205 kg
5x240 kg
6x240 kg
8x240 kg - PR


150 kg for 24 m
200 kg for 24 m
250 kg for 24 m
300 kg for 24 m - severe pain in my right heel

Tyre flips (back to back):

3x10x380 kg

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 129 cm
2x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the second
2x120 kg on 180 cm - fail
2x110 kg on 180 cm - failed the second
3x130 kg on 129 cm - fucking heavy

Conditioning (fancy word for calculated pain):

20x25 kg weight right and left arm lift-ups / 10x50 kg treetrunk squats / 10 jumps on tyre / 20 hammer hits

2 sets

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Upper body training

Push presses:

2x8x50 kg
6x70 kg
4x90 kg
3x105 kg
1x110 kg - failed the second
6x90 kg
5x100 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

12x73 kg
12x86 kg
8x91 kg
8x100 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
3x6x120 kg

Incline barbell bench presses:

12x80 kg
12x90 kg
9x100 kg


8x30 kg
8x40 kg
8x50 kg
6x55 kg

Straight arms pulldowns:

12x55 kg
12x69 kg
2x12x77 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

16x50 kg
16x80 kg
12x80 kg

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

2x8x75 kg
8x90 kg
6x110 kg
6x130 kg
5x150 kg
4x170 kg
2x180 kg

Front squats (paused):

4x5x100 kg

Deficit deadlifts:

8x75 kg
6x120 kg
6x140 kg
4x170 kg
2x190 kg
5x200 kg

Rack pulls (below knee):

6x140 kg
2x4x180 kg

Lying leg raises:


Monday, December 17, 2012

Upper body training

With Frank and Kevin. The three distended bellies.

Military presses:

2x8x60 kg
8x70 kg
8x80 kg
4x87.5 kg
3x90 kg
1x95 kg - failed the second

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x30 kg
8x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x38 kg
7x38 kg

Face pulls:

12x55 kg
12x59 kg
12x68 kg
12x86 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

12x77 kg
12x91 kg
10x100 kg
10x105 kg
8x114 kg

Machine rows:

12x65 kg
3x12x75 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x38 kg
12x48 kg
8x60 kg - no chalk and sweaty palms
12x48 kg

Dumbbell curls:

10x14 kg
6x16 kg
6x18 kg
6x20 kg
6x22 kg - biceps pain is slowly disappearing

Reverse sit-ups:


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Events training

Ahhh man. Reclaimed my exercise from the Gijster. It took me a few months to take it back. Hard bastard this Gijs, tougher than a bosnian guerilla soldier but if you keep chopping away, no matter how mighty a tree is, it will eventually fall down. Really nice competition organized by Distended Belly. Saw some nice lifts and pretty spirited performances. Congrats to all the lads that took part.

Log press:

2x6x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
3x3x100 kg
5x82.5 kg - w/ clean every rep

Weight for height:

4x20 kg over 4 m - 2 fails
2x20 kg over 4 m
2x20 kg over 4.15 m - 1 fail
2x1x20 kg over 4.3 m - fail
1x20 kg over 4.3 m - equals former PR
3x1x20 kg over 4.4 m - fail
1x20 kg over 4.4 m - PR
3x1x20 kg over 4.5 m - fail


5x(250 kg yoke for 15 meters + 2x250 kg tyre flips + 1x380 kg tyre flip + 93 kg farmers for 15 meters):

Atlas stones:

3x90 kg on 129 cm
3x110 kg on 129 cm
3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x120 kg on 142 cm
3x130 kg on 142 cm
1x150 kg on 142 cm - fail

Cable ab crunches:

3x12x35 kg

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Upper body training

Good day to be alive. The Sjaakster is back with a big splash and I'm not talking about chocomel-induced diarrhea. Yeah buddy, light weight. All I could think was breaking Frank's record. Ahhh Frankie, your days at the top are numbered. Once I dispose of your records I'm heading for the top lion. Ahhh man, what a day. My only regret is that Frank wasn't there for an insane battle.

Push presses:

2x8x50 kg
6x70 kg
5x80 kg
5x90 kg
4x100 kg
3x105 kg
3x110 kg - PR
1x115 kg - PR, failed the second rep
1x120 kg - PR, failed the second rep

Behind the neck strict presses:

6x60 kg
3x5x70 kg

Incline bench presses:

8x55 kg
8x85 kg
6x105 kg
4x115 kg
6x85 kg

Close grip bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
3x5x120 kg

Front cable pull-downs:

12x77 kg
3x12x82 kg

Hammer chins:


Dumbbell curls:

6x12 kg
6x14 kg
6x16 kg
6x18 kg
6x20 kg

Dumbbell hammer curls:

6x12 kg
6x14 kg
6x16 kg

Lying leg raises:


Neck raises:

10xBW + 5 kg
10xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
2x8xBW + 20 kg

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

There's nothing like training with the complete brigade. I'll bet the motherfucking house that had we been born in the middle ages we would've fought along side against the other warriors. Blood in, blood out. Fighting during the day, eating pig legs and drinking moonshine from a metal bucket and fucking sleazy long-dress wearing women. Somebody up there is having a joke at our expense. Put us back where we belong motherfucker, back on the battlefield. I don't want to live in this sissified society. I want to die before 30 swinging an axe into somebody's skull. A big thanks for my hard-headed motherfuckers keepin' it real and bloody. To quote "...The finest human beings. All they need is someone to throw hand grenades at them for the rest of their life". 

Front squats:

2x8x50 kg
8x90 kg
6x110 kg
5x120 kg
5x130 kg
4x140 kg
2x150 kg
1x160 kg - equals former PR
1x165 kg - PR


8x100 kg
6x140 kg
4x170 kg
4x200 kg
2x220 kg
1x240 kg
1x250 kg - motherfucking sweet PR

Deficit deadlifts:

6x150 kg
4x170 kg - pronated
3x190 kg - pronated, failed the fourth
1x210 kg - pronated, failed the bitch, fuuuuck!

Safety bar good mornings:
8x55 kg
8x75 kg
10x75 kg
12x75 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x40 kg
4x12x50 kg

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Upper body training

Зиуа ин каре са дат пе бреазда. Fucking annoying day. No energy, no strength, no desire to train, no pump.

Military presses:

8x50 kg
8x70 kg
6x80 kg
5x85 kg

Seated behind the neck presses:

4x8x50 kg

Incline dumbbell presses:

8x30 kg
8x32 kg
8x34 kg
8x36 kg
8x38 kg

Seated machine rows:

12x45 kg
12x60 kg
8x77 kg
12x77 kg

Close grip hammer chins:


Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x40 kg
12x80 kg
12x110 kg
2x8x140 kg
4x16x80 kg

Dumbbell curls:

6x12 kg
6x14 kg
6x16 kg
6x18 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

12x77 kg
12x86 kg
2x8x91 kg

Straight arms pushdowns:

12x51 kg
12x59 kg
2x8x64 kg

Neck raises:

8xBW + 5 kg
8xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
2x8xBW + 20 kg

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Events training

Box jumps:

8x100 cm
6x110 cm
4x115 cm
2x3x120 cm

Atlas stones:

2x3x90 kg on 129 cm
3x110 kg on 129 cm
3x120 kg on 129 cm
2x130 kg on 129 cm
4x150 kg on 129 cm - PR
1x175 kg on 129 cm - PR - failed the second rep

Weight for height:

1x20 kg over 3.75 meters
2x20 kg over 4 meters
2x20 kg over 4.25 meters - fail
2x20 kg over 4.25 meters - fail
1x20 kg over 4.40 meters - fail
1x20 kg over 4.40 meters - fail

Farmer's walk:

80 kg for 20 meters
100 kg for 10 meters
120 kg for 10 meters
130 kg for 10 meters - PR
135 kg for 10 meters - PR - heavy motherfucking pickup
150 kg from upper height - fail

Hercules hold:

160 kg per arm for 47 seconds

It took me 20 minutes to set-up the fucking machine and I still managed to fuck up the exercise. Right pole was almost lying on the ground. Fuck, fuck, fuck....motherfucking piece of shit. Fuuuuuuck.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Upper body training

Frankie is one tough SOB. Damn impressive push presses. I'm afraid of the day he's gonna do the 130 log cuz he's gonna go absolutely berserk and that day is quickly approaching. We're gonna have to lock him on the inside and film through the windows and pray that he doesn't demolish the place.  

Push presses:

2x8x50 kg
6x70 kg
4x90 kg
4x100 kg
3x105 kg - PR - failed the 4th attempt twice
1x110 kg - PR
2x5x90 kg


8xBW + 10 kg
2x8xBW + 15 kg

Barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
6x140 kg
3x150 kg
2x155 kg
1x160 kg
1x165 kg - fail

Incline bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x8x100 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

12x35 kg
12x50 kg
8x65 kg

Dumbbell curls:

3x8x14 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x91 kg
12x100 kg
12x109 kg
12x119 kg
8x129 kg

Hanging leg raises:


Neck raises:

8xBW + 5 kg
8xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
2x8xBW + 20 kg

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

When pain comes a-knockin', you better not be talkin'. Embrace pain cuz pain is the saviour. Environment has a big influence so surround yourself with ferocious individuals that can make sure you get your daily dose of pain. Beware of soft-spoken, politically-correct, ass-licking, rat-like people. I'd rather have mothefuckers tell me "You a pussy son, you're not training tough enough, you're not even relevant"..etc than have the aforementioned dickless cunts blowing steam up my ass. I'm grateful for the hard headed tough guys at RPB cuz they'll use every opportunity to make you "suffer" :)))  It's an honour and a pleasure to share the same battlefield with them. Peace out.

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
8x90 kg
8x110 kg
8x130 kg
6x150 kg
4x5x165 kg

Deficit deadlifts:

8x70 kg
6x120 kg
6x150 kg
4x170 kg
4x200 kg
4x210 kg
4x220 kg - PR

Leg presses:

8x175 kg
8x225 kg
8x275 kg
8x315 kg
8x275 kg

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Upper body training

Seated military presses (no back support):

2x8x40 kg
8x50 kg
8x60 kg
6x70 kg
4x70 kg
2x8x60 kg

Seated behind the neck presses:

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
3x6x60 kg
8x60 kg



T-bar rows (paused):

12x60 kg
12x75 kg
12x90 kg
10x100 kg
8x110 kg
4x8x75 kg

Incline bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x90 kg
2x8x100 kg

Bent over dumbbell raises:

16x12 kg
16x14 kg
12x16 kg
12x18 kg

Dumbbell curls / Overhead dumbbell triceps extensions:

6x12 kg / 8x12 kg
7x14 kg / 8x12 kg
6x16 kg / 8x14 kg
6x18 kg / 8x16 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
12xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
8xBW + 20 kg
8xBW + 25 kg

Calf machine shrugs:

20x135 kg
16x157.5 kg
2x16x185 kg

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Events training

Log presses:

8x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x3x100 kg
2x105 kg
1x110 kg - failed the second try
1x115 kg - too dizzy


150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
2x300 kg for 15 meters

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg over 3.5 meters - fail
2x20 kg over 3.75 meters
2x20 kg over 4 meters - fail
3x2x20 kg over 4.3 meters - fail

Farmers walk:

93 kg for 25 meters
103 kg for 30 meters
113 kg for 30 meters
118 kg for 30 meters
118 kg for 15 meters
93 kg for 15 meters

Atlas stones:

110 kg on 177 cm - too dizzy
110 kg on 168 cm - too dizzy
3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x120 kg on 129 cm

Laying leg raises:

3x10xBW + bands

Ab cable crunches:

2x12x35 kg
12x40 kg
12x45 kg
12x50 kg
12x55 kg
12x60 kg

Calf presses:

16x50 kg
16x100 kg
3x16x200 kg

Friday, November 30, 2012

Upper body training

I wish these motherfucking civilians would just forget the address to the gym. They're just occupying space for nothing. They're never gonna achieve anything meaningful with that half-assed attitude. You can see they lack the "pitbull instinct". No anger, no hate, no aggression, no balls. Prematurely castrated purty pink panty wearing oxygen consuming lazy sons and daughters of already senile retards. Take a page from someone you despise and grow a pair of nuts. Learn to make way for real motherfuckers that are on a path of (self)destruction. If you don't squat or deadift then go make me a sweater.

Edit: I've also updated the Raw Power Baarn description on this site. Check it out.

Military presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
4x4x80 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

4x6x50 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x80 kg
12x120 kg
8x150 kg
8x180 kg
6x200 kg - PR (no straps)

Seated cable rows:

12x91 kg
12x105 kg
2x12x114 kg

Incline bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
6x100 kg - pain in my left biceps

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x32 kg
2x8x36 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x40 kg
2x12x44 kg

Face pulls:

12x46 kg
12x59 kg
12x68 kg
12x73 kg

Straight arms pulldowns + behind the neck pulldowns + front pulldowns + triceps pushdowns (ext. pulley):

12x30 kg + 12x40 kg + 12x40 kg + 12x30 kg
12x35 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x35 kg
12x40 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x50 kg + 12x45 kg

Inverted sit-ups:

8xBW + 10 kg

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
5x110 kg
5x130 kg
3x150 kg
3x160 kg
4x180 kg - PR
3x160 kg


8x80 kg
6x110 kg
5x150 kg
3x180 kg
2x200 kg
2x220 kg
2x230 kg
2x240 kg - PR

Leg presses:

8x250 kg
2x8x300 kg

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Upper body training

Push presses:

8x50 kg
8x70 kg
6x80 kg
2x4x90 kg

Behind the neck wide grip strict presses:

4x8x50 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

12x73 kg
12x82 kg
10x91 kg
8x100 kg
8x105 kg
8x109 kg

Behind the neck cable pulldowns:

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
8x86 kg
8x91 kg
8x100 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

10x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
8x40 kg
2x8x44 kg

EZ bar skullcrushers:

12x35 kg
12x45 kg
2x8x55 kg

Dumbbell curls:

9x12 kg
9x14 kg
9x16 kg
9x18 kg

Hammer curls:

10x12 kg
10x14 kg
10x16 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
8xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
8xBW + 20 kg

One handed deadlift:

1x70 kg
1x90 kg
1x100 kg
1x110 kg
1x120 kg - failed with the left hand

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Events training

The Brick Fridge is addicted to stones and deadlifts. The more weight you put on the fridge the angrier he gets and the more impressive the performance. He said he's gonna take it easy but we all know you can't believe a junkie who's telling people that he's had enough for now :))) There's never enough weight to be lifted and never enough records to be shattered. Onwards to the 300 kg deadlift and the 175 kg stone.

It was good to see Big Belly back in the house joking and clowning about like there's somebody waiting to donate him a new pair of knees. I've never had knee problems from lifting weights but maybe it's not a bad idea to protect them as much as I can.

The war of attrition with Big G continues. I hope he realizes that all the things I say are not meant to insult or demoralize but to motivate and uplift the spirit. At the end of the day, after it's all said and done, Mister G is still the paragon for gym toughness and that's a motherfucking hard title to take away.

Strict axle presses:

3x8x55 kg
2x8x65 kg
2x6x75 kg
3x85 kg
2x1x90 kg

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg over 3.5 m
2x20 kg over 3.75 m
2x20 kg over 4 m - failed the first
3x2x20 kg over 4.3 m - fail


4x175 kg
4x185 kg
4x195 kg
4x205 kg
3x4x240 kg


150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
2x300 kg for 30 meters - used knee wraps

Tyre flips:

4x6x380 kg

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 129 cm
3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x110 kg on 153 cm
3x110 kg on 129 cm - competition stone
3x110 kg on 142 cm - competition stone
3x120 kg on 129 cm
3x120 kg on 142 cm
3x130 kg on 129 cm - failed the last one

Friday, November 23, 2012

Upper body training

Seated military presses (no back support):

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
8x60 kg
8x70 kg
4x4x80 kg - pain in left biceps
2x6x70 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg - searing pain in left biceps
3x100 kg - feels like my biceps will come off

Cable lateral raises:

4x10x18 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x38 kg
12x44 kg - pain
12x52 kg - pain
3x12x60 kg - pain

Straight arms pulldowns / Triceps pulldowns:

12x64 kg / 20x64 kg
12x77 kg / 16x77 kg
12x77 kg / 12x86 kg
20x50 kg / 12x91 kg

Dumbbell front raises:

10x12 kg
10x14 kg
10x16 kg
2x10x18 kg

Dumbbell curls:

10x12 kg - pain
10x14 kg - pain
10x16 kg - pain
10x18 kg - pain

Hammer curls:

10x12 kg - ohhh the fucking agony
10x14 kg - idem

Nautilus machine shrugs / Neck raises:

20x40 kg / 20xBW
16x80 kg / 16xBW + 5 kg
12x120 kg / 12xBW + 10 kg

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lower body training

Training with the Big Fridge today. Borrowed his hardcore belt for the last sets. Legend has it that an ancient warrior made that belt from the essence of toughness of his fallen enemies.

Full olympic squats:

2x8x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x140 kg
4x160 kg
3x170 kg
2x180 kg - don't remember if 2 or 3 I was so dizzy
1x190 kg - PR

Deficit deadlifts (abt. 8 cm):

5x100 kg
5x120 kg
4x140 kg
4x170 kg
4x190 kg
4x200 kg
3x210 kg
3x220 kg
2x230 kg - PR

Front squats:

8x60 kg
3x6x100 kg
4x100 kg - paused

Calf raises:

20x100 kg
16x157 kg
2x12x175 kg

Calf presses:

4x20x160 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
10xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
2x6xBW + 20 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x77 kg
12x100 kg
2x12x109 kg

Monday, November 19, 2012

Upper body training

Push presses:

8x50 kg
6x70 kg
4x4x90 kg

Behind the neck wide grip strict presses:

6x50 kg - pain in my right shoulder
4x10x40 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

16x68 kg
12x77 kg
2x12x86 kg

Behind the neck cable pulldowns:

4x12x64 kg

Incline presses (60 degrees):

12x30 kg
8x34 kg
2x8x36 kg

Seated machine rows:

12x50 kg
12x60 kg
2x12x77 kg

Face pulls:

20x36 kg
12x52 kg
12x64 kg
2x12x68 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

4x12x36 kg

Dumbbell curls:

2x10x12 kg
8x14 kg
6x16 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
12xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
8xBW + 20 kg

Inverted hanging sit-ups:


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Events training

My left biceps got seriously fucked today. Searing pain, the type of pain you get when you hit your shins against a sharp metal object. So Frank encouraged me:
- Don't worry man, it'll pass. You gotta be tough like me. 
- Hey Frank, you've got blood dripping from your nose.
- Oh yeah, from the pressure of deadlifting 3x240 kg. No big deal. So as I was saying...

Made quite a few PRs today. The 120 kg stone I owe it to all the tips from Gijs. Now I know how much I have to dip to make it effective. What a day...Frank "played" with the 130 kg stone. I've never seen him handle the stone so easily. He beat the stone into submission like it owed him money. He took the stone to school and taught it dynamic physics. Mister G trashed the chain yoke. Made the yoke cry...

Log presses:

8x60 kg
6x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x3x100 kg

Safety bar squats:

8x85 kg
8x115 kg
6x135 kg
6x155 kg
5x175 kg - PR
3x185 kg - PR

Chain yoke:

115 kg for 30 meters
165 kg for 30 meters
215 kg for 30 meters
235 kg for 30 meters - PR
275 kg for 30 meters - PR- 1 drop for 15 m and about 10 drops for the last 15 m

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 142 cm
3x120 kg on 142 cm
3x130 kg on 142 cm
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the last one
3x120 kg on 165 cm - failed the last one
1x130 kg on 153 cm
1x120 kg on 177 cm - failed
1x120 kg on 177 cm - PR!

Farmer's walk:

80 kg for 60 meters
3x105 kg for 30 meters

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Rack pulls:

10x70 kg
6x120 kg
4x160 kg
4x180 kg
4x200 kg - 2 with pronated grip
3x230 kg

Full olympic squats:

8x70 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
6x140 kg
4x150 kg - beltless
4x160 kg - beltless
4x170 kg
2x180 kg - failed the second one

Leg presses:

2x8x250 kg
8x270 kg
8x300 kg
8x320 kg - PR

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Upper body training

Military presses:

8x60 kg
6x70 kg
4x80 kg
2x85 kg
1x85 kg
2x5x70 kg

Seated cable rows:

12x82 kg
12x96 kg
12x105 kg
2x10x114 kg

Flat barbell bench presses:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
6x100 kg
2x8x120 kg
7x120 kg

Standing cable rows (paused):

16x55 kg
12x67 kg
3x12x77 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

20x77 kg
16x82 kg
12x96 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

20x30 kg
16x34 kg
16x38 kg
2x12x44 kg

Neck raises:


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Events training

I'm at 106 kg body weight without clothes. The weight is stabilizing now, I'm still struggling with condition a bit but it's getting better. I'll probably stay around the 105 mark and see how it goes. Saw an old man with bright red pants walking a 455 kg yoke. I wrote an article about you old man. Check it out. Don't get offended, it's all in good fun.

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

3x3x20 kg over 3.75 meters - a few fails
3x20 kg over 4.00 meters - failed the second
2x20 kg over 4.15 meters - failed the second
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters
4x2x20 kg over 4.50 meters - fail

Deficit deadlifts (pronated grip):

10x70 kg
6x100 kg
5x150 kg
3x180 kg - second and third mixed grip
3x180 kg
1x200 kg
1x220 kg - mixed grip

Farmers walk (fat handle):

5x93 kg for 30 meters

Atlas stones:

3x110 kg on 153 cm
2x110 kg on 168 cm
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the first two
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the last two
3x110 kg on 177 cm - failed the last one


150 kg for 30 meters
4x200 kg for 30 meters

Sledgehammer conditioning:

5x25 hits

Lying leg raises:

4x12xBW+ mini bands

Farmers shrugs:

4x16x50 kg

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Upper body training

People ask me what "civilians" are and what exactly passes for a civilian. Let me make it clear...a civilian is someone who wastes oxygen. It's that simple. Training with the Big Fridge today. Damn son, the Fridge has got some massive and powerful shoulders. Soon the government is gonna issue separate ID's and tax forms for them. They probably need their own postal code. Oh, by the way, I wrote a short article yesterday. Check it out.

Push presses:

6x50 kg
5x80 kg
4x90 kg
4x90 kg
5x90 kg
4x90 kg
5x90 kg

Machine rows:

12x57 kg
16x67 kg
2x16x77 kg

Incline dumbbell bench presses:

12x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x36 kg
6x38 kg
7x36 kg

Bent over dumbbell rows:

12x40 kg
12x48 kg
2x12x52 kg
8x52 kg

Triceps pushdowns (extended pulley):

12x35 kg
12x55 kg
4x70 kg
12x55 kg

Pushdowns (extended pulley):

20x30 kg
16x40 kg
12x45 kg
10x50 kg

Cable ab crunches:

16x77 kg
4x12x100 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW+5 kg
12xBW+10 kg
2x8xBW+10 kg

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Training in the dungeon with some very mordacious individuals muhahaha. I'm talking about Gijs and Frank of course. I hate puking, I paid good money for that food...


6x70 kg
6x120 kg
5x150 kg
4x170 kg
1x190 kg - puked
5x190 kg - puked
4x200 kg - puked

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
6x130 kg
6x150 kg
4x160 kg
3x3x170 kg - horrible pain in my right calf

Glute ham raises:

2x9xBW + mini bands
10xBW + mini bands

Lying leg raises:

4x8xBW + mini bands

Monday, November 5, 2012

Upper body training

Training today with Frank went really well. I was motivated and eager to get back into some serious poundages.

Military presses:

5x70 kg
5x75 kg
4x3x80 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

16x73 kg
12x82 kg
2x12x86 kg
20x86 kg

Close grip flat bench presses:

12x60 kg
12x90 kg
8x110 kg
6x120 kg
4x130 kg
2x140 kg
2x145 kg
2x150 kg - PR

Face pulls:

12x55 kg
12x63 kg
2x12x74 kg

Cable flyes:

12x32 kg
12x36 kg
8x41 kg
12x36 kg

Hammer chins:


Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
3x3x120 kg

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Events training

Kevin and Gijs are monsters on the viking press and I was able to correct my technique by following their instructions. Yeah buddy, the only way to get better is to train with tougher and more powerful individuals. Forget about books, videos and other instructional shit. Find a bunch of reckless motherfuckers and try to take their records away. That should spark some growth :))) With that said, guess who's still the undisputed and undefeated king of the hercules hold. By the end of the year I will have the unofficial world record on this fucking exercise. I don't care how many times I have to try. I'll show the people that I train with, the only people that really matter in this physical pain endeavor that you can come from nothing but if you bleed yourself dry you can take what's yours and break all limitations. I am currently 16 seconds away from that goal. The world record, to my knowledge, is currently held by Tarmo Mitt with 71 seconds, a record set in 2005.

Box jumps:

2x8x100 cm
6x110 cm
5x113 cm
4x116 cm
4x120 cm
4x123 cm
3x125 cm - PR
3x128 cm - PR

Viking press:

6x80 kg
6x100 kg
5x120 kg
2x4x120 kg
5x120 kg


100 kg for 20 meters
150 kg for 20 meters
200 kg for 20 meters
250 kg for 20 meters
3x300 kg for 20 meters

Farmer's walk:

80 kg for 20 meters
3x80 kg for 40 meters

Atlas stones:

110 kg on 129 cm
110 kg on 129 cm
120 kg on 129 cm
2x120 kg on 129 cm
120 kg on 142 cm
130 kg on 129 cm - fail
130 kg on 129 cm
130 kg on 129 cm
3x130 kg on 129 cm - failed one
130 kg on 129 cm
120 kg on 153 cm
6x120 kg on 153 cm - failed two

Hercules hold:

160 kg for 55 seconds - PR

Friday, November 2, 2012

Upper body training

Nautilus machine shrugs:

16x80 kg
4x12x80 kg
2x12x110 kg
4x12x130 kg

Barbell shrugs:

5x12x100 kg

Behind the neck pulldowns:

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
2x12x86 kg

Machine rows:

16x50 kg
4x12x70 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x36 kg
12x40 kg
12x44 kg
2x12x48 kg

Straight arms pulldowns:

12x50 kg
4x12x68 kg

Ab cable crunches:

16x86 kg
4x12x100 kg

Neck raises:

2x12xBW + 5 kg
2x12xBW + 10 kg

Dumbbell snatches:

2x6x32 kg

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Upper body training

Another easy training session. One more tomorrow, then RPB on Saturday. I also wrote another article. Check it out esse.

Bent over barbell rows:

16x50 kg
12x80 kg
2x12x100 kg
2x8x100 kg

Seated cable rows:

12x82 kg
12x96 kg
12x100 kg
12x105 kg
12x109 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

12x30 kg
12x34 kg
12x38 kg
2x8x40 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

12x26 kg
12x30 kg
12x34 kg - pain in left shoulder

Front dumbbell raises:

2x12x14 kg - same pain

Hammer chins:


Lying leg raises:

4x8xBW + 8 kg

Hanging leg raises:


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

- Hey Frank, how come you don't have a fridge at your place?
- There's only room for one fridge in my house!

Very light training session. Getting my lower back in check for some serious damage the upcoming weeks.

Full olympic squats:

12x60 kg
12x100 kg
8x110 kg
2x8x120 kg


6x100 kg
6x150 kg
5x170 kg
6x180 kg

Leg presses:

12x130 kg
12x180 kg
12x230 kg
12x280 kg
8x280 kg

Calf presses:

3x16x280 kg

Ab cable crunches:

12x30 kg
12x40 kg
3x12x50 kg

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Events training

I tried my best to beat Gijs on the weight for height and powerstairs but the man is made from tank parts. Dropped a 240 kg block on his toes and continued. It's intimidating when you see people taking damage and they just shrug it off. I really gave it everything on the powerstairs but fell short, just like with the medley last week. Forget about it Vinny....  

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg over 3.5 meters
2x20 kg over 3.5 meters
1x20 kg over 4 meters
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters - fail
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters
1x20 kg over 4.5 meters
6x1x20 kg over 4.75 meters - fail

Chain yoke:

2x1x100 kg for 30 meters with 15 m turn
2x1x150 kg for 30 meters with 15 m turn
3x1x200 kg for 30 meters with 15 m turn


6x175 kg
5x185 kg
5x195 kg
3x240 kg (PR)
2x175 kg + 2x185 kg + 2x195 kg + 6x240 kg (Big time PR)

Atlas stones:

110 kg on 129 cm
120 kg on 129 cm
130 kg on 129 cm
150 kg on 129 cm - fail
150 kg on 129 cm - lapped

Farmer shrugs:

3x12x100 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x40 kg
12x50 kg
12x60 kg
12x45 kg

Friday, October 26, 2012

Upper body training

Cable pulldowns:

20x77 kg
16x86 kg
12x91 kg
10x100 kg

One arm dumbbell rows:

12x36 kg
12x44 kg
12x52 kg
12x60 kg

Seated machine rows:

12x71 kg
12x86 kg
2x12x110 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

16x60 kg
12x100 kg
12x120 kg
10x140 kg
8x140 kg
12x100 kg - paused
8x100 kg - paused
6x100 kg - paused

Machine T-bar rows:

12x70 kg
12x95 kg
2x12x105 kg

Alternating dumbbell curls:

10x12 kg
10x14 kg
10x16 kg
10x18 kg
10x20 kg
10x22 kg

Alternating dumbbell hammer:

10x12 kg
10x14 kg
10x16 kg
10x18 kg
10x20 kg

Lying leg raises:


Neck raises:

12xBW+5 kg
3x12xBW+10 kg

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lower body training

It was cool training with Frank and Kevin again. They're both on a roll. I'm gonna call them the Buff Brothers. Frank looks like he's added bricks around his shoulders and lower back and Kevin is manhandling those squats. Tough competition. When I'm gonna beat them I know they were worthy opponents. My back injury reactivated last Sunday with the yoke. What a fucking ass raping again.

Full olympic squats:

8x60 kg
8x90 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg - horrible back pain at the end when racking the weight back
1x130 kg - same story

Leg presses:

12x80 kg
12x130 kg
12x170 kg
12x200 kg
8x220 kg
8x240 kg


8x110 kg
6x140 kg
4x160 kg
4x180 kg
4x200 kg
1x220 kg - back pain

Calf raises:

2x16x77 kg
4x16x127 kg

Hanging leg raises:


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Upper body training

Another short training session. I think the added body weight has dwindled my conditioning.

Flat bench presses:

12x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
3x5x140 kg

Push presses:

6x60 kg
6x80 kg
3x3x100 kg

Cable lateral raises:

12x14 kg
12x18 kg
12x23 kg
12x27 kg

Triceps pushdowns:

12x77 kg
12x86 kg
12x91 kg
3x12x100 kg

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Events training (Aalst)

Log presses:

6x85 kg
3x105 kg
4x4x105 kg

Axle presses:

6x60 kg
4x80 kg
4x100 kg
4x116 kg


250 kg for 45 meters with 15 meter turn
270 kg for 15 meters
300 kg for 15 meters
320 kg for 15 meters
340 kg for 15 meters - PR, 1 drop


150 kg duck walk, 90 kg keg, 100 kg keg, 120 kg keg
150 kg duck walk, 90 kg keg, 100 kg keg, 140 kg keg - didn't finish


110 kg on 140 cm
110 kg on 150 cm
130 kg on 140 cm
150 kg on 140 cm - fail
110 kg on 170 cm - fail
110 kg on 170 cm

Friday, October 19, 2012

Upper body training

Probably the shortest training session ever, 70 minutes.

Bent over barbell rows:

20x60 kg
16x80 kg
12x100 kg
8x120 kg
9x120 lg

Seated rows:

12x86 kg
12x97 kg
12x105 kg
2x8x124 kg

Machine rows:

12x60 kg
20x90 kg
2x16x90 kg

Cable pulldowns:

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
2x12x82 kg

Machine shrugs:

12x70 kg
4x12x90 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x36 kg
12x40 kg
12x44 kg
30x20 kg - paused

Dumbbell curls:

12x12 kg
12x14 kg
12x16 kg

Dumbbell hammer curls:

12x12 kg
12x14 kg
12x16 kg

Neck raises:

4x12xBW+5 kg

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Upper body training

Back in business, 6 kilos heavier :))

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x26 kg
12x30 kg
12x34 kg
8x40 kg
8x44 kg
6x48 kg
8x40 kg

Incline bench presses:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
2x8x100 kg

Close grip flat bench presses:

12x60 kg
12x90 kg
8x110 kg
6x120 kg - right shoulder still fucked up

Front dumbbell raises:

12x12 kg
12x14 kg
8x16 kg
2x8x20 kg

Seated lateral dumbbell raises:

3x12x14 kg

Triceps rope pushdowns:

12x77 kg
12x86 kg
12x100 kg
12x105 kg

Ab crunches (extended pulley):

20x45 kg
16x55 kg
12x65 kg
20x45 kg

Monday, October 15, 2012

Upper body training

That's it, final training session. Said goodbye to the iron guard. It's death valley over here, there's nobody left.

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

20x30 kg
16x38 kg
8x42 kg
5x50 kg
2x8x42 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

16x30 kg
3x12x38 kg

Smith machine incline bench presses:

12x65 kg
8x85 kg
6x105 kg - felt a nasty pop in my right shoulder

Cable pull-ups:

16x70 kg
12x100 kg
2x12x115 kg

T-bar rows:

20x60 kg
16x80 kg
12x100 kg

Straight arms pulldowns:

4x12x70 kg

Roman chair sit-ups:


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lower body training

Full olympic squats (beltless and paused):

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x100 kg
8x120 kg
5x140 kg
2x150 kg


12x70 kg
8x110 kg
6x130 kg
6x150 kg
4x170 kg
4x180 kg
2x200 kg
1x210 kg
3x220 kg

Leg presses:

12x160 kg
12x210 kg
12x270 kg
2x12x290 kg

Calf raises hack squat:

20x100 kg
20x140 kg
4x20x180 kg

Lying leg raises:

3x12xBW+10 kg

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Upper body training

Ey yo fuck face, if I ever see you doing curls in the squat rack again I'll break your arms. You got that redneck boy? This is not your father's farm, you can't just waltz in, there's rules to be followed, dipshit. The fuck are you looking at? You've got shit in your ears or you're just a pathological retard?

You gotta love these "instructors". Foul mouth and totally reckless. Most of them former convicts, know, just like cops.

I can't keep drinking with everyone I know cuz my liver will eventually succumb to all the vodka and whisky.

Flat barbell bench presses:

16x60 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
5x140 kg

Behind the neck strict presses:

12x60 kg
4x4x80 kg

Incline barbell bench presses:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
2x8x100 kg

Smith machine close grip bench presses:

12x65 kg
12x85 kg
12x105 kg
8x125 kg
6x135 kg

Seated machine flyes:

12x50 kg
3x16x60 kg

Front plate raises:

12x20 kg
3x10x25 kg

Cable crunches:

4x12x100 kg

Monday, October 8, 2012

Upper body training

Reached 108 kg this morning but it doesn't really help me with anything except that I now have a large gut and it's harder to tie my shoelaces. Since flexibility and endurance are my forte I see no reason to continue this increase in body mass. I am not stronger nor am I "fuller" from the excessive amounts of carbs. 100 to 105 is my functional body weight if I am to preserve the aforementioned qualities.

Cable front pulldowns:

20x70 kg
16x90 kg
12x100 kg
12x110 kg
2x12x120 kg

Seated cable rows:

20x65 kg
16x80 kg
16x100 kg
12x120 kg
2x12x130 kg

T-bar rows:

20x60 kg
3x12x80 kg

Face pulls:

20x55 kg
16x70 kg
12x80 kg
2x12x90 kg

Dumbbell shrugs (paused):

3x20x38 kg
2x20x42 kg

Bent over rear delt raises:

16x12 kg
12x15 kg
2x12x20 kg

Roman chair sit-ups:


Neck raises:

16x9 kg
2x16x12 kg

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Upper body training

The heat and extreme luminosity are killing me. Around 30 degrees today, dry as a motherfucker. If this continues I'll be one brown dude. 3 hours for a few sets. It was nice meeting some of the old guard, although not a lot are still around.

Incline dumbbell presses:

20x30 kg
16x38 kg
12x42 kg
10x42 kg
8x42 kg

Flat dumbbell presses:

12x30 kg
4x12x38 kg

Push presses:

10x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
3x100 kg

So nice with a proper rack and adequate height (the ceiling is at around 5 meters).

Lying T-bar rows:

20x40 kg
16x80 kg
12x105 kg
40x40 kg

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lower body training

It's too motherfucking hot in this hellhole, 27 degrees and it hasn't rained in months. With just a few hours of sleep in 3 days I went to my old gym. It stinks, it's moldy, no curtains in the showers so everybody in the street can see your naked ass but they've got hot water, I couldn't believe my eyes. Dirt cheap...6.5 euros for 2 weeks and 11 euros for 1 month. They don't fuck about with 15 kg barbells or complain about dropping the weight or using chalk (a few years a go there was chalk provided for serious athletes). At "All soft" nobody puts their plates back on the racks because they don't fear/respect the instructors but in this motherfucker the instructor will humiliate your ass to death if you don't behave.

I was talking with somebody on the street and a few minutes later the cops and paramedics came by and took him away. No explanation, no hassle...Weird, nah, it's just a vicious environment.

You know your in a different world when your own mom looks at you in disbelief: What do you mean you're only gonna eat chicken? You gotta eat some pork steak with mashed potatoes, rice and spicy sous.

Meal 1: Chicken + pork steak + mashed potatoes + rice
Meal 2 : Pork sausages + turkey liver + mashed potatoes
Meal 3: Turkey ham + pork pate
Meal 4: Pork sausages + turkey liver + rice
Meal 5: Whisky + beer

Not to mention all the cookies, cakes, pies, fruits in between and after meals. I left Tuesday at 103 kg and I'm now (Friday) at 106 kg. 

Full olympic squats:

Beltless and with crappy shoes

12x60 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
4x130 kg
4x140 kg
2x150 kg

Hack squats:

4x12x100 kg

Leg presses:

12x150 kg
12x190 kg
12x230 kg
12x260 kg
12x290 kg

Calf raises hack squat machine:

16x80 kg
16x120 kg
16x160 kg
2x16x200 kg

Seated calf raises:

16x50 kg
16x70 kg
2x16x80 kg

Lying leg raises:

3x12xBW+8 kg

Cable ab crunches:

20x50 kg
16x70 kg
12x90 kg
2x12x100 kg

Back extensions (paused):


Neck raises:

20x6 kg
16x9 kg
12x12 kg
12x15 kg

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Upper body training

Easy training session today. Ready for a 14 hour trip :))

Deficit deadlifts:

8x70 kg
8x110 kg
8x140 kg
6x160 kg
5x180 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x50 kg
12x80 kg
12x110 kg
12x140 kg
12x170 kg - PR - tore my callouses :))

Front and back barbell shrugs:

12x60 kg + 12x60 kg
12x80 kg + 12x80 kg
12x100 kg + 12x100 kg
12x120 kg + 12x120 kg

Nautilus machine rows (paused):

4x12x60 kg 

Neck raises + plate hammer curls:

3x(20xBW + 20x10 kg)

Inverted sit-ups:


Monday, October 1, 2012

Upper body training

Flat barbell bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
6x120 kg
5x130 kg
5x140 kg (PR - Maybe I did this before when I was more interested in bench pressing)
3x150 kg (PR - Don't remember for sure if it's a PR) - last rep was difficult
1x160 kg - fail
2x140 kg

Savickas presses:

5x50 kg
5x70 kg
3x80 kg
2x90 kg

High incline barbell bench presses:

5x50 kg
5x70 kg
5x90 kg
5x100 kg
2x110 kg

Face pulls + rope pushdowns:

12x59 kg + 12x77 kg
12x68 kg + 12x86 kg
12x77 kg + 12x105 kg
15x86 kg + 12x109 kg

Wrist roller:

1x10 kg
1x15 kg

Chin holds:

BW+50 kg for 45 seconds

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Events training

Log presses:

8x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
3x100 kg
4x100 kg - failed the 5th rep
3x100 kg - failed the 4th rep


2x150 kg for 40 meters
2x200 kg for 40 meters - 2 drops
1x240 kg for 75 meters - no drops!!
1x240 kg for 30 meters - focus on speed
1x240 kg for 45 meters - focus on speed
1x240 kg for 20 meters

Tyre flips:

4x8x380 kg

Atlas stones:

2x110 kg on 129 cm
2x110 kg on 142 cm
2x110 kg on 153 cm
1x110 kg on 165 cm
1x110 kg on 177 cm
2x120 kg on 129 cm


90 kg - 165 cm
110 kg - 153 cm
110 kg - 142 cm
120 kg - 129 cm


90 kg - 177 cm
110 kg - 165 cm
110 kg - 153 cm
120 kg - 142 cm
130 kg - 129 cm - failed

4x130 kg on 129 cm - failed the 5th rep twice

Viking presses:

8x90 kg
2x5x110 kg

Cable ab crunches:

12x40 kg
12x55 kg
12x65 kg
2x12x50 kg

Friday, September 28, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

12x30 kg
10x34 kg
8x38 kg
8x40 kg
2x8x44 kg

Incline barbell presses:

12x55 kg
8x75 kg
8x95 kg
6x105 kg
10x95 kg

Behind the neck push presses:

8x60 kg
8x70 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg

One arm alternating plate front raises:

10x10 kg
3x10x15 kg

Dumbbell side raises:

4x12x14 kg

Behind the neck dumbbell triceps extensions:

8x12 kg
8x14 kg
8x16 kg
8x18 kg

Triceps pushdowns + lat pulldowns:

20x64 kg + 12x64 kg
16x77 kg + 12x64 kg
12x86 kg + 12x64 kg
12x91 kg + 12x64 kg

Hammer pull-ups:


Laying leg raises:

8xBW+8 kg
8xBW+10 kg
8xBW+12 kg
8xBW+14 kg (PR)
8xBW+16 kg (PR) - heavy set

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Upper body training

Set a blistering pace for myself today. Minimal rest between sets. Managed to complete 40 sets in under 90 minutes. I was exhausted by the time I reached the calf raises. While I enjoy training sessions with less volume I feel that these brutal and lengthy sessions are the ones that effect real change.


10x70 kg
8x110 kg
8x140 kg
8x160 kg
4x180 kg

Full olympic squats (paused):

8x70 kg
8x90 kg
8x100 kg
8x110 kg
8x120 kg

One arm dumbbell rows:

12x34 kg
12x40 kg
2x12x44 kg

Cable rows:

12x86 kg
12x91 kg
2x12x100 kg

T-bar rows (paused):

12x60 kg
12x75 kg
2x12x90 kg

Front lat pull-downs:

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
2x12x86 kg

Cable rear delts flyes:

12x23 kg
2x12x27 kg
2x12x32 kg

Behind the neck pull-downs:

100x41 kg - no biceps were on fire

Shrug calf raises:

20x77 kg
3x20x100 kg

Leg press calf raises:

4x20x260 kg

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Events training

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

6x20 kg over 3.75 meters - mostly fails
2x20 kg over 3.75 meters
2x20 kg over 4 meters - 1st went over
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters - fail
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters - fail


6x175 kg
6x185 kg
4x195 kg
4x205 kg
1x240 kg - legs and biceps FTW
1x240 kg on higher podium - fail


150 kg for 14 meters with 7 meter drop
180 kg for 14 meters with 7 meter drop
220 kg for 14 meters with 7 meter drop
2x250 kg for 14 meters with 7 meter drop
200 kg for 14 meters with 7 meter drop

Wheelbarrow shrugs:

6x20x200 kg

Wheelbarrow holds:

200 kg for 1 minute
200 kg for 3 minutes (PR)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x24 kg
12x32 kg
10x36 kg
8x40 kg
8x44 kg
7x48 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (15 degrees):

2x8x40 kg
7x40 kg
6x40 kg

Clean and push presses:

10x50 kg
4x70 kg
4x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x100 kg

Failed the clean 3 times with 100 kg because of my injured left biceps so I did a squat clean. Nice and easy. The third rep I couldn't lock it out but I almost had it.

Dumbbell overhead presses:

4x30 kg L&R
2x4x40 kg L&R

Decline bench presses LOL :))))):

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x90 kg
8x100 kg

First time in 3 or 4 years.

Behind the neck pull-downs + Cable overhead extensions + Straight arms pull-downs:

3x12x(77 kg + 35 kg + 30 kg)

Machine rows:

12x70 kg
3x12x90 kg

Neck raises + dumbbell curls (no stop in between sets):

16xBW + 16x12 kg
16xBW+5 kg + 16x14 kg
16xBW+10 kg + 16x16 kg
12xBW+12.5 kg + 16x18 kg
12xBW+10 kg + 16x20 kg

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Events training

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg over 3.5 meters
2x20 kg over 3.75 meters
2x20 kg over 3.75 meters
2x20 kg over 4 meters
4x20 kg over 3.5 meters

Farmers walk:

2x70 kg for 75 meters
2x90 kg for 50 meters
2x100 kg for 50 meters
1x100 kg for 25 meters

Did them on the bicycle lane so I could focus on speed and distance.


6x175 kg
6x205 kg
1x240 kg (PR) - what an addictive exercise
1x240 kg on higher podium - I put it about a cm but couldn't move it forward

Car pull w/ rope:

12 meters on 6 handbreak clicks
12 meters on 7 handbreak clicks
7 meters on 8 handbreak clicks

One handed axle deadlift:

6x4x60 kg
2x2x70 kg - fail

Loading race (60 kg keg, 78 kg iron implement, 100 kg sack, 105 kg stone):

1 run in 1:16 minutes
1 run in 50 seconds - failed to lift the stone

Laying leg raises:


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x28 kg
12x32 kg
8x36 kg
8x40 kg
2x7x44 kg

Incline bench presses:

8x50 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
2x4x110 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

8x34 kg
3x8x36 kg

Smith machine close grip bench presses (paused):

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
2x8x110 kg

Rope pushdowns (extended pulley):

12x40 kg
2x6x55 kg
2x12x40 kg

Cable side raises:

12x14 kg
12x18 kg
2x10x23 kg

Inverted sit-ups:

3x8xBW+10 kg

Laying leg raises:


Ab bridges:

2 for 1 minute

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)


10x70 kg
8x120 kg
6x150 kg
4x170 kg
4x200 kg
5x200 kg

Safety bar box squats:

6x75 kg
5x125 kg
5x145 kg
4x165 kg
2x175 kg - horrible back pain

Leg presses:

12x150 kg
12x200 kg
12x250 kg
8x280 kg

Farmers shrugs:

6x16x60 kg

Glute ham raises:


Calf presses:

40x200 kg
20x250 kg
16x300 kg
16x330 kg
2x16x250 kg

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Events training

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg on 3.5 meters
5x20 kg on 3.5 meters
1x20 kg on 4 meters
1x20 kg on 4.25 meters
1x20 kg on 4.5 meters - fail
1x20 kg on 4.5 meters - fail
1x20 kg on 4.75 meters - fail

Farmers walk:

60 kg for 30 meters with 15 meters turn
80 kg for 30 meters with 15 meters turn
100 kg for 30 meters with 15 meters turn
110 kg for 30 meters with 15 meters turn
120 kg for 15 meters


150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
270 kg for 30 meters
300 kg for 15 meters
320 kg for 15 meters (1 drop)
280 kg for 30 meters

Tyre flips:

4x360 kg
6x360 kg

Overhead yoke:

50 kg for 30 meters
70 kg for 30 meters
80 kg for 30 meters
90 kg for 30 meters

Car pull:

4 hand-break clicks for 12 meters
5 hand-break clicks for 12 meters
6 hand-break clicks for 1 meter
5 hand-break clicks + pedal break for 12 meters
6 hand-break clicks for 4 meters

Atlas stones:

110 kg on 132 cm
110 kg on 168 cm - fail
110 kg on 168 cm
110 kg on 180 cm - fail

Laying leg raises:


Friday, September 14, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses:

8x28 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
2x8x44 kg
7x44 kg

Behind the neck presses:

8x60 kg
4x4x80 kg

Close grip bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
8x110 kg
6x120 kg
4x130 kg
4x120 kg

Dumbbell side laterals:

2x12x14 kg
2x10x16 kg

Triceps rope pushdowns:

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
12x91 kg
12x100 kg
12x109 kg

Ab cable crunches:

12x82 kg
12x96 kg
12x109 kg
12x119 kg
12x124 kg
12x129 kg

Neck raises:

2x12xBW+5 kg

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Upper body training

Front cable pulldowns:

12x73 kg
12x82 kg
4x12x91 kg

T-bar rows:

12x40 kg
12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x100 kg
8x115 kg
8x130 kg
8x140 kg

Block pulls (middle point):

2x8x70 kg
8x110 kg
6x150 kg
3x180 kg
2x180 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x36 kg
4x12x52 kg

Machine shrugs:

12x40 kg
12x80 kg
2x12x100 kg

Behind the neck pulldowns:

4x12x68 kg

Hammer pullups:


Chin holds:

BW + 50 kg for 1 minute

Plate shrugs:

3x16x25 kg

Hammer curls:

50x12 kg

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

2x8x70 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
6x140 kg
4x150 kg
4x160 kg
2x170 kg


2x12x70 kg
8x110 kg
6x130 kg
6x150 kg
4x170 kg
3x190 kg
4x200 kg
3x3x200 kg

Leg presses:

12x150 kg
12x220 kg
4x10x250 kg

Calf raises:

2x16x70 kg
2x16x90 kg
2x12x110 kg
3x12x130 kg

Upper body training

Three fucking injuries in one easy training session. How the fuck is that possible? First I felt a sharp and intense "snap" in my right lat. Then my right hamstring cramped up so bad I couldn't do anything for 10 minutes. Lastly, my left shoulder cracked while doing the floor presses and I had to do lots of stretching before I could keep my arm straight overhead. Injuries with puny fucking weights.

Bench presses:

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
5x5x120 kg - paused

Incline bench presses:

8x80 kg
4x5x100 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (paused):

11x30 kg
10x34 kg
2x6x36 kg


10xBW+10 kg
6xBW+20 kg

Floor presses:

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x5x100 kg - paused

2km rowing machine + stretching

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Events training

The best way to get strong is to compete against a stronger opponent.

Weight for height (20 kg sack):

2x20 kg over 3.5 meters
2x20 kg over 3.75 meters
1x20 kg over 4 meters - fail
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters
1x20 kg over 4.25 meters - fail

Log presses:

2x6x60 kg
4x80 kg
5x90 kg
2x3x90 kg

Car circle:

230 kg for 2 laps
350 kg for 3.75 laps
350 kg for 0.75 laps
350 kg for 3.15 laps

Tyre flips:

3x8x380 kg

Atlas stones:

110 kg on 156 cm
110 kg on 168 cm
110 kg on 180 cm - fail
110 kg on 180 cm
110 kg on 180 cm - fail
110 kg on 180 cm - fail
120 kg on 168 cm - fail
120 kg on 156 cm
120 kg on 168 cm - fail
130 kg on 120 cm (no tacky)
150 kg on 120 cm - fail
130 kg on 132 cm - fail

Sled drag and truck pull:

100 kg for 30 meters
150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
275 kg for 30 meters

Hercules hold:

2x100 kg for 60 seconds

Friday, September 7, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (15 degrees):

12x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
8x44 kg
6x48 kg
4x52 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

12x34 kg
3x8x36 kg

Close grip bench presses (paused):

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
6x110 kg
3x120 kg
1x130 kg

Behind the neck jerks:

8x60 kg
6x80 kg
3x90 kg
1x100 kg

Dumbbell presses:

3x5x32 kg L&R

Dumbbell snatches:

3x5x32 kg L&R

Laying leg raises:


Calf raises:

4x16x127.5 kg

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Upper body training

Behind the neck cable pulldowns:

20x55 kg
12x77 kg
2x10x86 kg

Front cable pulldowns:

3x10x86 kg
2x12x77 kg

Machine shrugs:

16x77 kg
4x12x100 kg

Machine rows:

12x67 kg
12x86 kg
12x105 kg
2x12x111 kg

Rope rows:

10x35 kg
2x10x45 kg

Face pulls:

12x45 kg
2x12x55 kg

Hammer grip pull-ups/ Plate shrugs:

3x8xBW + 3x16x25 kg plates

Hammer curls:

30x14 kg
20x14 kg

Rope push-downs:

3x10x55 kg

Neck raises:


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Lesson of the day: Never underestimate your opponent, especially when that opponent is Frank (

Full olympic squats:

12x70 kg
10x70 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
2x8x140 kg
8x150 kg

Deficit deadlifts:

8x70 kg
6x120 kg
6x140 kg
6x160 kg
2x4x180 kg

Leg presses:

20x120 kg
20x170 kg
2x20x200 kg

Glute ham raises:


Abs cable crunches:

3x16x50 kg

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Upper body training

Incline barbell bench presses:

2x12x55 kg
8x75 kg
8x95 kg
6x105 kg
4x115 kg
7x95 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x32 kg
8x36 kg
2x8x38 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x26 kg
8x32 kg
2x7x34 kg

Incline dumbbell flyes (60 degrees):

12x16 kg
12x18 kg
12x20 kg
12x22 kg

Alternate one arm front raises:

10x12 kg
10x14 kg
2x10x16 kg

Overhead triceps extensions:

12x12 kg
12x14 kg
10x16 kg

Hammer curls:

2x20x14 kg

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Events training

Log presses:

2x6x60 kg
4x80 kg
3x90 kg
2x100 kg
4x80 kg

Deadlifts (green bands resistance):

2x8x70 kg
6x110 kg
6x130 kg
5x160 kg
4x180 kg
1x210 kg

Farmers walk:

4x80 kg for 30 meter runs with drop at 15 m

Tyre flips:

7x360 kg
8x360 kg

Atlas stones:

2x2x110 kg on 120 cm
2x2x120 kg on 120 cm
1x110 kg on 168 cm
2x1x110 kg on 180 cm


150 kg for 90 meters with drop at 15 m
3x200 kg for 30 meters with drop at 15 m

Viking presses:

10x50 kg
6x50 kg
6x70 kg
3x5x70 kg

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x28 kg
8x34 kg
8x40 kg
2x6x44 kg

Incline barbell presses:

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x6x100 kg
9x90 kg

Close grip flat barbell presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x8x100 kg

Behind the neck jerks:

8x40 kg
6x60 kg
4x80 kg
1x100 kg

Triceps rope pushdowns:

12x77 kg
2x12x96 kg
12x105 kg
12x91 kg

Ab cable crunches:

12x82 kg
4x12x96 kg

Neck raises:

3x12xBW+5 kg

Monday, August 27, 2012

Upper body training

Hammer grip cable pulldowns:

12x77 kg
12x91 kg
2x12x105 kg

Barbell bent over rows:

2x12x70 kg
8x110 kg
6x130 kg - nasty pain in my left biceps
2x8x110 kg

T-bar rows:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x100 kg
12x115 kg

Nautilus machine shrugs:

12x80 kg
12x110 kg
10x130 kg
10x150 kg
8x110 kg

Hammer pull-ups:


Dumbbell curls:

2x12x14 kg

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Upper body training

Flat barbell bench presses:

16x60 kg
12x60 kg
10x80 kg
8x100 kg
2x5x122.5 kg
2x140 kg
2x150 kg
1x160 kg (fail)
3x140 kg
4x140 kg

Standing one arm dumbbell presses:

6x30kg L - 6x30kg R
3x40kg L - 3x40 kg R
3x44 kg R
3x48 kg R
3x52 kg R

Clean and push barbell presses:

5x60 kg
5x90 kg


6x90 kg
4x140 kg
4x160 kg
4x180 kg
8x200 kg

Cable ab crunches:

16x77 kg
2x12x100 kg
8x100 kg

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lower body training

It's so goddamn good to be able to deadlift again. I treated myself to some deadlifts and squats today.


8x70 kg
8x110 kg
8x130 kg
6x150 kg
6x170 kg
4x190 kg
2x210 kg
1x220 kg
1x230 kg

Barbell back squats (not full depth because of calf injury):

2x8x70 kg
8x100 kg
3x8x120 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x36 kg
2x12x48 kg
10x48 kg

Hammer grip pulldowns:

12x68 kg
12x84 kg
12x91 kg
20x77 kg

Neck raises:


Friday, August 17, 2012

Upper body training

Civilian gyms are nothing more than sissy factories, mass producing crybabies, pansies and wannabe tough guys, all suffering from diminished balls syndrome. Go polish a doorknob you panty-wearing dickless cunt and take your ab training with you. I went angry to the gym and they made me go berserk. Fuck 'em, fuck 'em all. 2 days after a calf injury I managed to deadlift 220 kg. I'll bet the house that I could've pulled 230 or even 240 but there was no point in risking a complete muscle tear just to satisfy my rage.


8x60 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
8x140 kg
6x160 kg
4x180 kg
2x200 kg
2x210 kg
1x220 kg

Cable rows:

16x77 kg
12x86 kg
12x91 kg
2x8x105 kg

Barbell shrugs:

12x60 kg
3x12x100 kg - felt sharp pain in my lower back

Wide grip front cable pulldowns:

4x16x77 kg

Straight arms pulldowns/ Dumbbell shrugs:

2x12x59 kg/ 2x8x36kg
12x59 kg/ 12x36 kg

Dumbbell curls:

25x12 kg L&R
25x14 kg L&R
15x16 kg L&R
15x18 kg L&R
10x20 kg L&R

Ab cable crunches:

16x90 kg
12x100 kg
3x12x109 kg

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

Full olympic squats:

2x8x75 kg
8x110 kg
6x130 kg
4x150 kg
2x170 kg
5x150 kg
6x105 kg (paused)

Leg presses:

8x150 kg
8x200 kg
8x250 kg
6x290 kg - left calf strain/small tear at the fourth rep
8x240 kg

Farmer's walk:

3x80 kg for 30 meters


4x4x175 kg on 40 cm

Farmer deadlifts:

3x93 kg
1x93 kg

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x28 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
2x8x44 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (15 degrees):

4x8x40 kg

Behind the neck presses:

8x40 kg
8x60 kg
2x6x80 kg

Close grip bench presses:

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x8x100 kg

Machine rows:

12x60 kg
3x12x80 kg

Close grip cable pulldowns:

8x73 kg
8x87 kg
8x97 kg
8x105 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
2x12xBW + 10 kg

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Events training

The Big Chieftain and the Dark Destroyer are back in business and ready for serious damage. Great training session today considering the lack of proper sleep of the last few days. The Big Chieftain was no match for my explosiveness on the weight for height but I've got a feeling he's gonna be back at 100 percent soon enough.

Log presses:

2x6x60 kg
5x80 kg
3x90 kg
2x100 kg
1x110 kg
1x115 kg (fail)
4x100 kg (PR)


100 kg for 30 meters
150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters
2x200 kg for 30 meters
250 kg for 30 meters

Weight for height:

2x1x20 kg sack for 3.5 meters
1x20 kg sack for 4 meters
1x20 kg sack for 4.15 meters
1x20 kg sack for 4.25 meters
2x1x20 kg sack for 4.5 meters (fail)

Tyre flips:

4x8x380 kg

Sled drag:

100 kg for 30 meters
150 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters

Sack carry (100 kg):

4 turns of 15 meters
6 turns of 15 meters

Farmer's walk:

60 kg for 90 meters (15 meter turns)
60 kg for 60 meters (15 meter turns)
60 kg for 30 meters (15 meter turns)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x38 kg
2x8x44 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (45 degrees):

8x36 kg
8x38 kg
2x8x40 kg

Close grip bench presses:

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x8x100 kg

Side dumbbell raises:

4x8x14 kg

Barbell shrugs:

12x70 kg
8x100 kg
2x8x130 kg

Hammer chins:


Laying leg raises:


Neck raises:

8xBW+10 kg
8xBW+15 kg
2xBW+20 kg

Monday, August 6, 2012

Upper body training

Bent over barbell rows:

2x12x60 kg
12x80 kg
2x12x100 kg

Deficit deadlifts (8 cm platform):

12x70 kg
8x110 kg
6x130 kg
6x150 kg
4x160 kg
2x2x170 kg - back pain on the way down

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x36 kg
3x12x52 kg
3x8x52 kg

Hammer grip chins:


Reverse grip barbell curls:

20x20 kg
4x12x20 kg

Reverse hanging ab crunches:

2x8xBW + 10 kg

Cable crunches:

12x40 kg
12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x105 kg
2x12x109 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW + 5 kg
10xBW + 10 kg
8xBW + 15 kg
9xBW + 20 kg

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Events training

What a week. 5 consecutive days of heavy duty training. At RPB we're serving pain by the gallon, sweat by the truckload and air as much as you can get. Who said the middle ages are gone? With the big lions gone in vacation it's time for the young lions to lead the pack and increase the dosage of madness. Each training sessions adds to an already well developed foundation and every hour spent in there will chip away the weakness in you. So when somebody asks you what do you do for fun tell 'em that you're devising new methods of torture so you can be ready for Hell.

Log presses:

2x6x60 kg
2x4x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x2x100 kg

Truck pull & drag:

150 kg for 30 meters
175 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 30 meters
200 kg for 15 meters
2x150 kg for 30 meters

Farmer's walk:

5x93 kg for 30 meters with turn

Sack carry:

100 kg for 90 meters
100 kg for 30 meters

Atlas stones:

2x90 kg on 144 cm
2x90 kg on 168 cm
1x90 kg on 180 cm
1x110 kg on 168 cm
1x110 kg on 180 cm - 3rd time ever
1x110 kg on 180 cm - 4th time ever
1x110 kg on 180 cm - competition stone (fail)
1x110 kg on 180 cm - competition stone (fail)
1x110 kg on 168 cm - competition stone (fail)
1x120 kg on 156 cm

Stone runs:

90 kg on 180 cm - 110 kg on 168 cm - 120 kg on 156 cm
90 kg on 168 cm - 110 kg on 156 cm - 120 kg on 144 cm - 130 kg on 132 cm


4x3x60 kg for 30 meters
1x5x60 kg for 30 meters

Friday, August 3, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x22 kg
8x30 kg
8x34 kg
8x40 kg
2x8x44 kg
2x8x40 kg - paused

Incline bench presses:

8x60 kg
8x80 kg
2x8x100 kg
7x100 kg
6x100 kg

Flat bench presses:

3x5x115 kg
4x115 kg

Machine incline close grip bench presses:

12x50 kg
12x60 kg
2x12x70 kg

Standing machine presses:

4x12x70 kg

Straight arms pulldowns + front barbell shrugs + back barbell shrugs:

3 x (12x68 kg + 12x60 kg + 12x60 kg)

Overhead dumbbell presses:

3x30 kg
10x30 kg


2xBW+10 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW+5 kg
3x12xBW+10 kg

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Upper body training

Wide grip cable pull-downs:

12x68 kg
12x82 kg
2x8x96 kg
2x16x77 kg

Machine rows:

12x60 kg
12x80 kg
4x12x100 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x34 kg
12x44 kg
4x10x52 kg


16x70 kg
12x100 kg
8x120 kg
4x140 kg
2x4x160 kg - tremendous back pain on the way down

Overhead squats:

6x40 kg
6x50 kg
4x60 kg

Lying leg raises:

3x8xBW+8 kg

Hammer grip chins:

12x6xBW - pain in my left biceps so I decided to do a lot of sets to get blood in that area

Neck raises:

2x15xBW + 5kg

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lower body training (RPB)

The only way to start the month is with a balls to the wall training session at the remote asylum. Leg presses are a killer like always and the band resistance alters any comfort that you might otherwise feel. You cannot afford to get lazy with them or your legs will buckle and hit you in the mouth. All out and beyond with the last set. The calf raises were also extremely painful, I had to use a mouth guard to avoid grinding my teeth or biting my tongue and lips.  

Safety bar box squats:

8x75 kg
5x85 kg
5x95 kg
5x105 kg
5x115 kg
5x125 kg
5x135 kg

Medley - yoke and farmers for 30 meters with 15 meter turns:

100 kg yoke - 50 kg farmers
150 kg yoke - 70 kg farmers
3x(200 kg yoke - 90 kg farmers)

Leg presses:

12x150 kg
12x150 kg + green bands resistance
30x200 kg + green bands resistance

Glute ham raises:


Calf raises:

16x80 kg
16x100 kg
18x120 kg
30x120 kg

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Upper body training

Close grip bench presses (paused):

2x10x60 kg
3x4x90 kg
2x110 kg
2x130 kg
2x2x140 kg

Behind the neck presses:

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
6x60 kg
10x70 kg
4x80 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (60 degrees):

8x30 kg
2x8x34 kg
8x36 kg
8x38 kg

EZ skullcrushers:

8x40 kg
8x50 kg
2x8x60 kg

Overhead dumbbell extensions:

2x8x14 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW+5 kg
3x8xBW+10 kg

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Events training

Trying to beat Gijs' records is an intimidating task no matter how ready you might think you are. I can anticipate the pain and bone-crushing sensation that accompany such a dreadful endeavor. The G-man is a machine with an unlimited reservoir of strength and endurance. Each time I succeed in edging his performances I find myself pasted on the ground like I've just been knocked out into next week, with my body in debilitating pain and genuinely glad that I'm still alive. You never really get used to this shock therapy. I know that in this sport of ours you're only as good as your last training session and every guy in the gym wants to erase you off the record board. That's why you gotta keep pushing yourself in all aspects of "enduring".

I surprised myself with my worst performance on the hercules hold today due to a messed up left biceps. I think I did the right thing by releasing early because it could have grave repercussions if you keep going. Even with this current time I beat everybody else in the gym but it's a farcry away from the 2 minute 10 seconds that I got one month ago. 

Log presses:

2x6x60 kg
6x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x100 kg
1x110 kg - easy
1x120 kg (fail)

Atlas stones:

4x90 kg on 132 cm
2x90 kg on 180 cm
2x110 kg on 132 cm
2x2x110 kg on 168 cm (fail)
2x120 kg on 132 cm
1x130 kg on 132 cm
3x1x150 kg on 132 cm (fail)
5x130 kg on 132 cm (3 out of 5)

Conan's wheel:

160 kg for 720 degrees
310 kg for 360 degrees
360 kg for 1485 degrees (4 laps) - PR (45 degrees more than Gijs) muhahaha

Tyre flips:

2x4x380 kg
8x380 kg
5x380 kg

Viking press:

10x50 kg
6x80 kg
4x100 kg
2x110 kg
1x120 kg
10x80 kg

Hercules hold:

105 kg for 1 minute 43 seconds

Hammer conditioning:


Hand over hand car pull:

5x10 meters

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Upper body training

Incline dumbbell presses (30 degrees):

12x28 kg
12x32 kg
8x36 kg
2x8x44 kg

Incline dumbbell presses (15 degrees):


Incline dumbbell flyes (15 degrees):

12x20 kg
3x10x24 kg

Seated dumbbell lateral raises:

12x12 kg
3x12x16 kg

Front dumbbell raises:

12x14 kg
2x10x16 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x36 kg
5x12x52 kg

Standing cable rows (paused):

12x68 kg
12x77 kg
2x12x86 kg

Triceps overhead extensions:

12x36 kg
12x50 kg
2x12x68 kg

Neck raises:

3x12xBW+5 kg

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lower body training

When injured continue training at a high level but play it smart, work your way around the injury. The idea is to maximize intensity to get solid results while reducing the damage to the injured area. This is practice things get complicated. I tried all variants of squats from high-bar, low-bar, wider leg stance, narrower leg stance, half-squats (90 degrees), and only overhead squats seem to be working properly.

Full olympic squats (paused):

2x12x60 kg
12x80 kg
12x100 kg
5x6x120 kg

Overhead squats (paused):

6x30 kg
6x40 kg
6x50 kg
6x55 kg
6x60 kg
4x65 kg
2x70 kg

Front squats (paused):

4x8x60 kg

Leg extensions:

12x50 kg paused
10x70 kg paused
8x80 kg

Hyperextensions (paused):

2x12xBW+10 kg

Stiff-legged deadlifts (no bounce):

2x20x70 kg

Leg raises:

8xBW+6 kg
8xBW+9 kg
2x8xBW+12 kg

Hanging leg raises:


Calf raises:

16x120 kg
3x14x187.5 kg
3x14x120 kg

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Upper body training

Wide grip chins:


Seated medium grip cable rows:

12x77 kg
12x91 kg
2x12x114 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x40 kg
12x44 kg
4x12x48 kg
8x48 kg + 8x40 kg + 8x36 kg drop set

One arm bent over dumbbell rows:

12x38 kg
12x44 kg
2x10x52 kg

Machine rows:

16x60 kg
4x12x90 kg

Straight arm pulldowns:

4x12x36 kg

Dumbbell biceps curls:

11x16 kg
9x20 kg
8x22 kg
2x8x24 kg

Dumbbell hammer curls:

12x14 kg
2x12x16 kg

Neck raises:

12xBW+5 kg
12xBW+10 kg
2x8xBW+15 kg 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Events training

Sled pull:

1x150 kg for 30 meters
2x163 kg for 30 meters

Weight for height (weight and sack): 

4Lx4Rx20 kg for 4 meters
2Lx2Rx20 kg for 4.15 meters
1Lx1Rx20 kg for 4.30 meters
4x20 kg sack for 3.5 meters
2x20 kg sack for 4 meters (1 fail)
2x1x20 kg sack for 4.15 meters (1 fail)

Atlas stones:

4x90 kg on 132 cm
1x110 kg on 168 cm
2x1x110 kg on 180 cm (fail)
1x110 kg on 156 cm
1x120 kg on 132 cm
1x130 kg on 132 cm (fail)
1x150 kg on 132 cm (tried lapping it without any tacky but failed)
2x130 kg on 132 cm (failed second rep)

Log press:

4x60 kg
4x70 kg
4x80 kg
4x90 kg
2x100 kg
1x105 kg
1x110 kg (fail)

Sack carry:

2x1x100 kg for 50 meters
1x100 kg for 90 meters
1x100 kg for 60 meters


4x25 hits

Standing cable crunches:

2x12x40 kg
2x12x45 kg

Friday, July 20, 2012

Upper body training

Once in a lifetime:

I went through my routine as usual, warming up with pull-ups and then proceeded to deadlifts. As I gradually increased the weight my back pain began to surface and after two sets with 160 kg I was already limping. At this point there were three options, at least that's how I saw it. You either stop deadlifting all together, you do the smart thing which is to drop the weight and work on technique or you punish yourself. I chose the latter. I discarded two 10 kg plates and went back to 140 for what I planned to be 10 to 12 reps. It didn't happen like that. After squeezing 8 reps I told myself, just do 2,3 more. I remember reaching 20 and going absolutely insane. In that moment I was transported from a civilian gym on an ancient battlefield. I kept going, 22, 24, 27, 29. At 30 reps I puked in a nearby trash can. By this time I was wobbly on my feet, my vision was blurred, I was sweating profusely and my heart felt like it was about to explode any second. A few more reps, that's all I need, I thought to myself. Every rep after the 30 rep mark was grueling. At 40 reps I could taste blood in my mouth and it was clogging up my nose. Fuck, I knew it, I was about to faint soon. Get 50 reps in and then you can die, quick! For the first time in my life I had to hitch the last reps. When I made the last rep I felt so relieved that I didn't faint. It took me 10 minutes just to be able to walk properly. I drank about 1 litre of water and sat in my own pain. Every fucking rep was done properly, no bounce, no sumo and no fucking belt. As I sit and write this I have problems concentrating, horrible headaches, I hear things in slow motion, pain in my right ear, heartbeat through the roof, very dizzy. I feel like puking all the time. Gijs might be the alpha lion but I'm the hungry young lion who wants to take his place. I might not be as strong as he is but I'll bleed myself dry to outlast him in painful events. There's a line you cross from which you cannot return. After 9 years of lifting weights today I went there, I crossed the line. The closest I've been to death. It is a feeling of acknowledging your own mortality whereas before I was oblivious to it. Your body starts shutting down, limb by limb, brain cell by brain cell. It is a frightening process of total disintegration. I hope I will be alive in the morning for another chance to defy death, another chance to fight.  

Wide grip pull-ups:



3x12x70 kg
8x100 kg
8x120 kg
8x140 kg
2x4x160 kg (back pain)
50x140 kg

Dumbbell shrugs:

12x38 kg
12x40 kg
4x10x52 kg

Close grip pull-downs:

12x68 kg
12x82 kg
12x91 kg
10x100 kg
8x100 kg

Face pulls:

12x36 kg
12x55 kg
2x20x59 kg

Incline bench presses:

12x60 kg
8x80 kg
8x100 kg
7x110 kg
8x100 kg
4x100 kg (with pause)

Prone ab bridges:

1x4 minutes
2x1x2 minutes

Hanging leg raises:
